Friday, March 7, 2025

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus...
You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land..
You are the breath of life and the living water that so uplifts me and makes me whole 
My source of all things wonderful that is controlled by Your power and mightiest command 
My great success and awesome future that is overflowing with blessings untold.

You are my sweet, breathtaking Savior, and the author of the journey's story so true..
My unbelievable best friend who is always there for me and walks near me with delight 
My stable foundation and encouragement who strengthens me through everything that I must do 
My lighthouse and guide who gives me great hope and encouragement with power and all might.

You are my breathtaking light that shines with Your love and grace so brilliantly for all to see ..
The music 🎵 that renews my heart and my spirit so brilliantly each day 
The perfect teacher and mentor that renews with Your anointing and joy so perfectly 
Jesus, I can't live without You and want to bring praise and great honor to You always!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus..

The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way...
Come let Your sweet anointing and great power flow so freely and perfectly 
Live within me and let me hear all of the wonderful things that You say 
Let the fire of Your bright glory now erupt a powerful revival within me.

The door is wide open with desire to learn more about Your will and all that You do...
Ignite an overflow of strength and determination to follow You with all of my might
I want to be faithful to all that You are and always be a light 🕯️ that brings honor to You 
My greatest desire for success is to be a joy to You and to be pleasing in Your sight.

The door 🚪 is wide open as I am prepared and ready to be all that You want me to be...
I stand in awe of the beauty as I see the majestic unfolding of Your mighty hands..
I am ready to follow You as we walk hand in hand together through time so purposely
Lord Jesus, You are my compass and my strong foundation upon which I will always stand!

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Thank You For Your Love

My Jesus...

Your love is a pure and breathtaking gift 🎁 from Your heart that I can wrap myself in every day...
It is filled with mercy, compassion and tender blessings that I can call mine with great care 
The great beauty that flows reminds me of Your amazing grace that enriches me in many ways 
And Your power is there to lift me up and encourage me so that nothing heavy I'll bear.

Your sweet love is a light of guidance and an instrument of bright hope for wondrous things...
It is the direction on my pathway that shows me the footsteps to success and perfect happiness 
It is the music 🎵 of life and the strong peace and tranquility for all that life may bring 
It is the source of all that I am searching for and my mightiest asset at best.
Jesus, Your dynamic love is my special 🎁 gift that I am truly grateful and thankful for..
It is a special bond and a friendship that I will always hold close to my heart ❤️ for all time 
All of the time that we share only makes my spirit want to come back for Your greatness and much more 
You are my strong foundation, my rugged anchor ⚓ and the greatest life gift that I will find.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

When The Healing Flows

My Jesus 

As I come into your presence, something wonderful begins to take place...
I present my humbled heart and there's a sense of great love everywhere 
Your caring arms open wide to me and hold me in Your loving embrace 
And Your gentle heart presents me with mercy and shows me how much you care.

As I come into Your presence new life begins to flow like water so true...
Restoration and reconstruction take place with such grace and sweet majesty
I start to take Your characteristics Lord with hope that is straight and new
Something so mighty and beautiful begins to take place now in me.

As I come into Your presence Lord I'm now ready to follow Your light..
I want to listen more when You call and be attentive to Your plans 
My greatest goal and desire is to be pleasing in Your perfect sight 
As I come into Your presence I am yearning to hear Your sweet commands.

Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Jesus, Help Others To See

My Jesus,

Please help others to see the breathtaking beauty that comes from my heart so true...
Let them behold the wonder of Your anointing as they look much more closely 
Help them to see the light of Your love and the strength of Your power in all You do
Help them to understand how amazing You are, and that You are everything in the world Lord to me.

Please help others to see that we have a special connection and bond that we share...
Let them behold Your glory in every part of who I am without boundaries 
Help them to understand that I have a plan and purpose all because You do care 
And You are the greatest strength, joy and peace that will always be a part of me.

Please help others to see how much I care about their life's pathway with delight...
Give me the words to show them that they have a special story every day
Help them to know that You love them and they can live for You with all of their might 
My Jesus You are the definition of life, happiness 😊 and the only way!

Monday, February 24, 2025

Lord, Make Me Ready

My Savior...

I ask You to come into my heart and begin something beautiful in me...
I want to be Your humbled instrument and reflection of Your great light so true 
Please open up the great window of my heart Sir and help me to now clearly see
Your magnificent power and glory and all of the wonderful things You do.

I ask You to come into my heart and let Your sweet music 🎵 play so perfectly...
I want to sing loudly with all of my soul and let others start to sing too 
Let me spirit rejoice in who you are and be uplifted so wondrously 
And help me to be the picture of Your presence in everything that I do.

I ask You to come into my heart and start a best friendship that will never end...
Let me show You my adoration and love and always serve You the best 
Help me to walk in Your light and be like you with all of the blessings You can send
I am ready mighty Savior as I yearn to live for You with such happiness!

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Jesus, I Am So Grateful

My Jesus 

I am so grateful for all of Your love and everything that You do for me..
Your grace and beauty are beyond anything that the heart can speak about 
You are always there whenever I need You with such warmth and generosity
Ready to provide, protect, and defend with amazing strength so I don't go without.

I am so grateful for all of Your blessings and everything that comes from Your hands..
For Your faithfulness and being my best friend who is always there by my side
Thank you for seeing great things in my pathway and success in my major life's plan 
For having the purest wonderful heart whose door is always open so wide.

I am so grateful beyond words and want to praise You with joy every day...
But I know without a doubt nothing will ever be sufficient it's true 
I love You my Jesus and give thanksgiving unto You in every great way 
You are my perfect, pure source of life and help in everything that I must do.

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...