Friday, January 22, 2016

Thought For The Day

There is that one still moment in time.....
when you feel like giving up
there is a sense of defeat within your heart
and the real part of your self is gone


Something awesome begins to take place
There is a breathtaking light peaking through the horizon
It is a light of warmth, guidance, and love


The hurt that someone feels because you hurt
and the desire to stop the pain
and make things better


The light reaches your heart and.....

something wonderful takes place

There is an assurance, a peace, a love felt

Something speaks to your heart.....

'Do not worry.  I am here for you always.  I will take care of you and help you.  I love you my child.'


The despair and anguish disappear
The sun begins to shine as the clouds clear


The pathway is made stronger


There is a bridge of promise upon it



walkway for two pairs of shoes.

God bless you all!


  1. I so enjoy reading your post. It's like a moment to sit and reflect, change of pace from the other post. Thank you.

  2. what a wonderful 'thought for the day'. I love it, and reading it makes me take a moment, out a pause on work, and reflect a little. Thank you so much.

  3. I love your thoughts for today, thanks for sharing.

  4. I've had days like that. Where I suddenly realize it's been a good day and I'm almost surprised and overcome with gratitude.

  5. What a nice and inspiring post! God is with us and there are definitely days that feel like we are walking along but we are never alone!

  6. Absolutely beautiful, and timely too. There are certain things that I've been wrestling with in my own faith that this post reminded me of. I love it- thank you.


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