Wednesday, March 16, 2016

A fictional short story
Katie's Mission

     Katie walked into the room, sat down, and began to cry.  Suddenly, the door slowly creaked open.  She could hear footsteps approaching her.  A thin, cold hand slowly touched her shoulder.

    As she looked up, her friend Morgan was standing by her.  She handed her a tissue and tried to console her.  "Are you okay?"  Morgan asked.  "Yes, thank you."  Katie said.  "I just don't know why Krista is so angry with me."

     "Don't let it bother you."  Morgan said.  "We all love you dearly."  Katie adored her new job as a teacher.  She made so many new friends and had great plans to make a difference with her students.

     But, she couldn't seem to be friends with Krista.  Krista always spoke to her in a cruel and degrading manner.  She tried to start fights with her and spread rumors about her.

     Katie didn't want to give up her job.  So, with the Lord's help, she decided to embark on a mission.  Every day and night, she prayed for Krista.  She did one kind deed, and said one kind thing to her every day.

     Every time Krista said something bad to her, Katie would simply respond 'God richly bless you Krista'.  One day Krista pushed Katie into the ladies room and locked the door.

     "Don't you get it?  I don't like you!"  She told Katie.  "But, I like you!"  Katie said as she reached over and gave her a big hug.  She expected Krista to become even more angry.

     But, instead, she broke into tears.  Krista began to tell Katie about the loss of her parents, and how alone and empty that she felt.  Katie immediately took her hands and prayed with her.

     Krista gave her heart to the Lord!  She and Katie began to build a powerful friendship that would be unbreakable.  Katie thanked God for his grace, love and presence on her mission.  It was a great success!
Tickets please!  All aboard!!  We are proceeding to our next port of call.  Please stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. What a neat story! Isn't it so true that sometimes those that are the hardest to love need us the most?


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