Saturday, June 13, 2015

Cleaning Out The Cob Webs
The Port of Restoration and New Beginnings
     There are many things that seem tedious and annoying in life.  Some may be obvious to define.  Others may be a personal feeling or interpretation.  But, it is safe to say, without a doubt, that one of those issues is cleaning.  Now, there may be those who enjoy the in depth process.

     After all, what is that old saying:  'cleanliness is near Godliness?'  This is perfectly true.  But, it is not exactly the example of fun.  There are many different genre of cleaning.  There's the literal definition which means attempting to improve the physical condition or appearance of something.

     There is also the spiritual aspect.  So, what does this refer to?  This can be pinpointed into one word 'burden'.  Life is too short.  Every day is a sacred, beautiful, and precious gift from God.  Every heart knows that life is not perfect.

     It can be a diverse array of complicated caverns and crossroads.  But, it is how the journeyman prepares that equips him for travel.  Consider for a moment the contents of his armor.  The mind is a beautiful garden where the master gardener, God, plants his tender and fragile seeds.

     These seeds are destined to be cultivated and grow into victorious instruments that will be needed for the journey such as dreams and aspirations.The heart is an exquisite light house where the master creator instills the fountain of his hope and the light of his love.

     This is not only to guide and bless the journeyman's heart, but, to empower an instrument to bless others by his grace. So, how does cleaning fit in to all of this?  Well, let's face it.  We are all human.  We become bogged down by those caverns and crossroads that we face on the journey.

     It is then that we become engulfed by heavy burdens that bring anguish to the brain and discomfort to the heart.  When this happens, it becomes increasingly difficult to enjoy the awesome beauty of life and the incredible blessing of God.

     So, what can be done?  It's time for cleaning out the cob webs.  The tools of  faith, prayer, positive determination and love are what's needed to begin the process.  Consider all that you are carrying.  Now, pretend that you are opening a large box.  Pray, place all of your concerns in there, and lay them before God's throne.

     Ask him to take control of it all and relinquish it forever.  It is then, with his help, that you remove them or wash them out forever by his grace.  You know that he will take care as he always has.

     Why do you want to try and do the impossible when an expert is always available at no cost?  So, close your eyes, pledge your cooperation, and dial 1-800- JSUS-CAN.  It is then by his precious blood that the cobwebs begin to disappear, and new growth takes root.

     This is a cleaning job like no other.  But, when it is complete, the journey can begin stronger, better, and brighter than ever before.


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