Wednesday, September 7, 2016

The Why Song

     We all go through the crazy obstacle course called life.  Sometimes, the road seems so straight and narrow.  Yet, there are other times when the path is so winding and confusing.  We are unsure of which footsteps to take and where to go.

     Have you ever heard of the 'why' song?  When the road seems so perfect, everything is ideal.  But, it is at that moment when things become a bit trying that we run for cover.  It seems like practically every word we utter is why.

     But, remember just one simple fact.  If you went to college, recall when you took exams.  The professor would observe as you were working, and didn't speak.  God knows what winding paths we must endure as we travel life's journey.

     Yet, he is right there, walking with us.  He will not let us walk alone, even for a minute.  He will give us peace, strength and courage.  But, we must simply trust in him.  This is what he desires , our complete reliance upon his presence.

     So, instead of singing the 'why' blues, count your many blessings.  Think of all of the wonderful things that God has done for you throughout your life.  Rest completely in his strength.  Allow yourself to be overcome with his joy.

     Please keep this in mind.  He has always been there for you before.  He will be there again.  You can count on him!

God bless you all!

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