Thursday, December 29, 2016


     Okay, so we all have a similar type of ritual this time of year.  Christmas has passed.  Yet, the beauty of the season resonates with us all year.  We start making plans to take down all of the breathtaking decor that went up probably as early as Thanksgiving.

  We then think about another new year that is soon to come.  Many of us begin making resolutions.  These are pledges that are made every year - and usually they are quite similar for everyone.

  The most famous of these is to lose weight.  Yet, instead of losing weight, we most likely gain several pounds.  Perhaps, what we should do is forget about resolutions.

  Instead, let's concentrate on a new concept.  This concept is proclamations.  What are these you might ask?  Well, it is a plan of action and purpose, all grounded in a relationship with the Lord.

  This is the most important gift in life is it not?  If we don't have a relationship with the Lord, where would we be?  We would be without hope and purpose.  

  So, our first step is to ground our proclamation decree with a stronger bond with our Heavenly Father.  It is our desire to expand our connection with His love and grace.  After that, then we seek His purpose.

  We pledge ourselves to Him and proclaim how we can grow and develop under the guidance of His great power.  This can include weight loss.  However, it would be guided by His hand.

  Now, just think how more successful you will be when you have this plan!

God bless you all!  

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Heart Thoughts

     Okay, so here is a question to think about.  If someone gives you a special gift, what do you normally do?  Well, considering this time of year, which has become plagued by materialism, most people look at it, then return it.

     But, what if it has a value that can never be met.  What if it has intricate importance that can never be fully experienced.  Think about the priceless gift that God gave us in the birth of his Son.  

    Salvation and saving grace are gifts that none of us deserve, yet, we all desperately need.  We are all imperfect sinners.  Yet, because of this awesome gift, we have hope, forgiveness, and new promise.

   So, maybe we should take special notice and appreciation of the gifts that we are given, salvation, and the many blessings that enrich our lives.

  This Christmas, when you are struggling with your holiday plans, remember that.  Instead of buying expensive presents, why not give the good news of the Lord's love?  

   Give the gift that will continue to bless others forever.

God bless you all!


Monday, December 5, 2016

The Most Precious And
Priceless Gift

The most precious and priceless gift
was given
many years ago

It was presented so humbly
and simply


It was the best gift ever given
It was priceless
It was fragile
It accomplished so much

This gift 

was the gift of Salvation



a precious little baby being born

God's beloved Son

It was the gift of pure perfect love
from God's heart


this Christmas

let us remember that gift

and ponder 

 how blessed we are to receive it

with a humbled heart

When we look for the perfect gift

let us be a light 

that reflects that breathtaking love

this is a precious gift 

given back to God


give that beautiful light to others


various ways

so that they may be blessed


more lights

will shine brightly

 God's mighty Kingdom


God bless you all.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Thoughts To Ponder

The greatest gift that you

can give someone


the gift of HOPE

an encouraging word

a bright smile

a helpful act of love

 a prayer

Be a beautiful extension


the Lord's precious love

let His light

radiate through your life

Whatever they may need

try to be there

to be an uplifting

source of promise



someone else's world



a new breathe

and a new direction


God's instrument of HOPE


You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...