Monday, December 5, 2016

The Most Precious And
Priceless Gift

The most precious and priceless gift
was given
many years ago

It was presented so humbly
and simply


It was the best gift ever given
It was priceless
It was fragile
It accomplished so much

This gift 

was the gift of Salvation



a precious little baby being born

God's beloved Son

It was the gift of pure perfect love
from God's heart


this Christmas

let us remember that gift

and ponder 

 how blessed we are to receive it

with a humbled heart

When we look for the perfect gift

let us be a light 

that reflects that breathtaking love

this is a precious gift 

given back to God


give that beautiful light to others


various ways

so that they may be blessed


more lights

will shine brightly

 God's mighty Kingdom


God bless you all.

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