Thursday, April 6, 2017


     Have you ever run a race in your lifetime and suddenly realized that you were not going to win?  Maybe you started out with great aspirations of hearing the crowd cheer when you cross the finish line in first.  But, you came in virtually last.

  How did that make you feel?  You probably felt alone, alienated and very empty.  Perhaps that is how a lot of us feel as we continue on our journey.  A heart can become overtaken by the stress of a lost world.  

  Perhaps you don't have anyone.  Your family is gone.  You don't have any real true friends.  Sometimes you feel so alone.  These feelings are very real and understandable.  We are all human.  

  We have emotions, and feelings and are imperfect.   Yet, there is a bright ray of light, hope and promise that is always there with a healing touch.  He is a true best friend who is always dependable.

  His name is Jesus.  If you know Him already as Savior, then just ask Him to heal your heart of the feelings you are experiencing.  Pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus... You are my Father, my best friend, my everything.  Please come in to my life with a fresh new healing anointing.  Take away any feelings that are not of you.  Fill me with your peace.  Amen.

  If you don't know Him as your Savior, and would like to, please pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus... My heart is searching for truth and meaning.  I know I can find everything in you.  I give you my heart and life and ask you to take complete control.  Be the light of my life and heal my heart.  Take away anything that is not of you and help me to live for you.  Give me peace.  Amen.

  You will find a new and refreshing meaning and purpose like you have never known.

God bless you all!

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