Thursday, June 28, 2018

     Here is a very simple question.  When you go to a store to purchase something, do you make your decision based on what others say?  For example, let's say that you wanted to purchase a bicycle.  You found one that you really like.  Yet, someone told you that it is ugly.  Would you forget about it?

  Okay, let's take it to another level.  Suppose you purchased a sweater.  You really love and adore it.  Yet, you wear it to work and someone tells you that it's terrible.  Would you return it for a refund?

  During this hectic pathway that we walk, we need to take a step back and reflect upon our hearts.  God defined each one of us to be our own unique individuals.  If you do not know the Lord, please consider coming to know Him today.

  You are a beautiful masterpiece with your own gifts and talents and thoughts.  As a child of the most high God, everything you are is defined through Him.  You are loved and treasured more than you can imagine.

  So, don't let anyone define what you do or who you are.  Give your heart to the Lord and trust Him.  You will never be disappointed.

If you do not know the Lord, please pray this prayer:  Father, my heart yearns to know more of You in every aspect of my life.  I want to be your child, and live for you.  Please forgive me for my sins and come into my life today.  Amen.
God bless you all.

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