Saturday, July 28, 2018

Thank You
I can see the beauty that flows from your heart of love,
It is given freely with adoration and grace
There are no limitations from the Heavens above
Just the breathtaking wonder of your joy and embrace.

The seeds of your power are planted with happiness,
Each one with great promise and a great purpose in mind
to bring wonder and hope and a true heart that is blessed
to have contentment, peace and tranquility in kind.
Father, I want to draw closer to you each new day,
Please give me the clarity to see things as you do
I want to see the seeds that you planted in every way
Give me a gentle heart of purity just like you.
Help me to see every blessing whether large or small,
Teach me to have a grateful heart and give thanks with care
to understand everything that you do and through it all
Show me the importance of a true, thankful heart's prayer.
Thankful for everything that makes up who I am,
and knowing it will always flow so abundantly
Father, I say thank you for your mighty and great plan
Thank you for the bond that is shared between you and me.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Can You See My Heart?*****
Please take a moment and look into my heart
Look at the very essence of who I am
There's a special, unique beauty to each part
All carefully created by God's great hands.

See the love that shines like a light ideally
and the kindness and care for others so true
A bright, creative flair that is all of me
The persistence and zest in all that I do.
Discover my love of life and everything
The dreams that I hold so tightly in me
The hope that I know the good things life will bring
The hard work that joins it all so perfectly.
Can you see my heart so clear and genuine
and see what a beautiful person's in me
For that's all that matters in the very end
It is the greatest part of who I can be.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Shine the sweet beauty of your radiant love
Like a reflection of hope so perfectly
and bless all my friends from Heaven above
Be the light of promise they'll need and see.

Walk by them with every step each day
Give them a mighty peace that fills their soul
Be the answer they search for in every way
Let your spirit make them complete and whole.
Give them the strength and courage to see them through
and happiness to fill their heart with delight
Help them to see there is nothing they can't do
For it is all in your hands and by your might.
Let them see that you have a great plan in store
They are truly talented beyond compare
They can reach for their heart's dream and so much more
Show them they're truly unique and that you care.
Father, bless my friends with happiness from your heart
May your love shine as a smile on their face
Help them to live life to the fullest from the start
Reach out to each one with your greatest embrace.

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Thought Of The Day

Sometimes the hardest thing to do

to stand up and be the person 
that you are

the beautiful person and masterpiece

God created you to be


it has the greatest benefits

it has the greatest blessings

It is well worth



and the endurance



that extra


Thursday, July 12, 2018

There is a breathtaking light that fills my heart so completely,
It empowers me with everything I'll ever need each day
As I explore and submit my whole being so perfectly
The yearning of my heart will be fulfilled in an awesome way.

A beautiful peace will fill my spirit and bring joy to me,
A wondrous happiness will enlighten my heart with such grace
Rugged strength is mine to stand upon wherever I may be
There is a brilliant hope that gives me guidance for each time and place.
The glory of your name is my foundation to take each step,
It is my source of promise and every good thing from above
The moment I submit my heart unto you, my path is set
Your glory brings the most wonderful and awesome, sweetest love.
There is a gratitude and thanksgiving right now in my heart,
I love the glory of your name and all that you've given me
Even though I may not deserve it, right from the very start
It is always there. when I call, for me,. so abundantly!

Monday, July 9, 2018

Dear Lord,
Please protect my dear friends today
watch over them in all they do
Be their foundation of hope in every way
and their best friend to call upon so true
Give them a peace that is always there
and a strength that grows more as they go
Show them with your love how much you care
and all of your compassion let them know.
Let them feel your presence so strong and bright
and your grace with such unending happiness
Help them to feel pleasing in your sight
and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.
Dear Lord, bless my dear friends today
give them all they need right from the start
be their protection in every way
keep them so close to your heart.
God bless you all.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Don't Give Up
Help me to never lose hope, and to always see the light,
The beauty of your awesome love that is forever there
Even though the path is rugged, help me with all my might
to continue on with strength because you so greatly care.

I can do any thing because you are right there for me
You lift me up and help me throughout each step of the way
When I want to quit, your encouragement comes so perfectly
to lead me to an exciting and brighter, brand new day.

So, Father, I pledge to never give up at any time,
I will look to you for strength, and happiness from your hands
It is in you, where all of the greatest things I will find
I know that you have dynamic promise and an awesome plan!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...