Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Dear Lord,
Please protect my dear friends today
watch over them in all they do
Be their foundation of hope in every way
and their best friend to call upon so true
Give them a peace that is always there
and a strength that grows more as they go
Show them with your love how much you care
and all of your compassion let them know.
Let them feel your presence so strong and bright
and your grace with such unending happiness
Help them to feel pleasing in your sight
and to know that they are wonderfully blessed.
Dear Lord, bless my dear friends today
give them all they need right from the start
be their protection in every way
keep them so close to your heart.
God bless you all.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Thanksgiving Table
I see a beautiful table set before me,
It's all arranged with detail; so lavish and fair
The food dishes have been placed down so perfectly
Each chair has been positioned with the greatest care.

Yet, something feels to be somewhat different this year,
There's a breathtaking light that seems to fill the room
I look at it all and begin to shed a tear
My curious heart yearns to know much more and soon.
At the head chair, there's a crown shining brilliantly,
As I walk around, things begin to grow more clear
The next spot was mine and all that God's done for me
Looking at it all, I shed another tear.
I saw a space for all of my friends and loved ones
and all those from day to day I don't truly know
There was a clear picture of what God's love had done
A true sense of promise and hope began to show.
As I walked further around the room, on my way,
Your presence and mighty power grew brighter still
I dropped down to my knees not knowing what to say
I gloried in your presence and masterful will.
You showed me to be thankful in all that I am
To see your grace and love in all things, with great care
and not to complain at all, for this is your plan
But, trust in you and know that you are always there.
I proudly took my place at the table that day,
For I'd learned what Thanksgiving truly means to me
Giving thanks to God for it all on life's pathway
and doing it humbly and with purity.

Happy Thanksgiving.  God bless you all.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Lord, bless my precious friends every day
Please watch over them from Heaven above
Let them know your presence in a great way
Be their source of strength with your awesome love.
Let them know that you're always there so true
You are all that they need from start to end
There's nothing in the world that you can't do
You are a devoted and trusting friend.
May they feel a special comforting grace
and see the unfolding of your great hands
Let them feel you're with them in all they face
You have everything at your sweet command.
Lord you're the Provider of everything
They need to come to you in silent prayer
All of their cares and worries they must bring
Father it will all then be yours to bear.
Father you will make a new, special way
You are their brilliant light forever more
You will lead them to a much greater day
There are so many mighty things in store!

Friday, November 9, 2018

     Okay, so here is an interesting question to consider.  What are you thankful for?  Are you the kind of person who looks at things from a negative perspective or from a positive one?  Do you take the time to look at the wonderful things around you that bring you joy each day?

  It could be something as small as the beautiful sunrise you see in the morning or someone that smiles at you each day.  Most people are so over stressed and bogged down  by the society we live in that they don't take even a few moments to notice.

  Stop and make some changes to your schedule.  Here is a little exercise for you to try.  Take a small note pad and pen with you each day.  Write down every beautiful blessing large and small that you have in your life.  I'm sure if you carefully look you can come up with a lot of them.

  Next, plan to set aside fifteen minutes every day to thank God for each one of those blessings.  Tell Him how much it all means to you.  We all have so much to be thankful for.  We serve an awesome God who is always there with His love, grace and mercy.

  If you don't know Him, please ask Him to come in to your heart today.  It will be the best choice you ever made.

Pray this prayer:  Lord, I give you my heart and all that I am.  Please come into my heart and life and be the Lord of my life.  I want to live for you and serve you.

Lord bless you all!
A Spirit Of Thanksgiving
When I take time to reflect upon all that is around me,
Every beautiful thing that fills my life, large and small so true
My heart overflows with pure wonder and great humility
As I am in awe at the great blessings I receive from you.
I don't realize just how truly fortunate I have become,
Always looking for something more and so really unaware
Something so magnificent and miraculous has begun
You are already anointing my life with beauty and care.

You gave me a salvation that is a priceless gift of love
and an eternal bond with you that grows stronger every day
All the wonderful expressions of hope from Heaven above
It seems to bless each moment of my life in a special way.

I see it in the caring of a friend that is there for me,
and in the fellowship of family so faithful and true
It shines in the light of a strangers kindness so perfectly
There are blessings all around me in everything that I do.

Thank you Lord for blessing my life with your love so amazingly,
I am so grateful with a heart of thanksgiving for it all
But, the greatest of these blessings is having you there for me
and knowing that no matter what, you'll be there when I may call.


Monday, November 5, 2018

Remember to


It's free

It's beautiful


It makes the world 


better and brighter place

It is

one of God's 

most precious

gifts and blessings

Why not pass it around?


Friday, November 2, 2018

The greatest success in
does not come 
material form
it is not something 
that can be purchased...
It is a personal relationship
the Lord Jesus
Living for Him
Serving Him
Loving Him
making the world
other lives better
being a light
of His love
of His Kingdom!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...