Friday, November 9, 2018

     Okay, so here is an interesting question to consider.  What are you thankful for?  Are you the kind of person who looks at things from a negative perspective or from a positive one?  Do you take the time to look at the wonderful things around you that bring you joy each day?

  It could be something as small as the beautiful sunrise you see in the morning or someone that smiles at you each day.  Most people are so over stressed and bogged down  by the society we live in that they don't take even a few moments to notice.

  Stop and make some changes to your schedule.  Here is a little exercise for you to try.  Take a small note pad and pen with you each day.  Write down every beautiful blessing large and small that you have in your life.  I'm sure if you carefully look you can come up with a lot of them.

  Next, plan to set aside fifteen minutes every day to thank God for each one of those blessings.  Tell Him how much it all means to you.  We all have so much to be thankful for.  We serve an awesome God who is always there with His love, grace and mercy.

  If you don't know Him, please ask Him to come in to your heart today.  It will be the best choice you ever made.

Pray this prayer:  Lord, I give you my heart and all that I am.  Please come into my heart and life and be the Lord of my life.  I want to live for you and serve you.

Lord bless you all!

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