Friday, February 14, 2025

Lord, You Are My Anchor ⚓️

Dear Jesus...

As I place my feet upon my pathway,  I look for a guiding point along the way...
A lighthouse of strong direction that will place my feet upon the path that I must travel true 
And then I see the beauty of Your glory shaping things and providing a new day 
Lord, You are the great ⚓️ anchor of my life and journey for everything that I must do.

You are the solid, dependable stepping stone that I can always count on with care..
My confident and best friend who is always ready to stand by me with love and grace 
The beautiful lighthouse whose anointing shines brilliantly with power everywhere 
My greatest blessing who gives me happiness and always holds me in Your embrace. 

Jesus, I want to thank You for being everything that I will need and much more..
I know that I am grounded in the very best stock at this time 
I can now see Your hands opening and great things coming down from Heaven's mighty shore
My sweet Savior, thank you for being the most awesome anchor ⚓️ that I will ever find. 

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