Sunday, February 15, 2015

The Precious Gift of Life

The Port of Purpose and Dreams

The Boarding Pass Is Ready

A searching heart ignited by motivation and powered by determination can more definitively find its greatest pathway of promise.


     Looking out and beholding the breathtaking light of a new day fills the heart with wonder.  This fragile gift is unique and personal.  It is a special canvas waiting for the newest colors of hope that the spirit can only dream of.  Taking the first steps upon a rugged pathway can seem challenging, yet are important.  Steps that are grounded in a firm foundation have the greatest potential for enduring and far reaching success.  But, what does a firm foundation involve?  
     A firm foundation constitutes three p's:  prayer, purpose, and promise, [dreams].  Each one is tied to the other.  Prayer is a dynamic catalyst.  It is a factor that helps the heart to realize that control of life is in the hands of a higher power.  Trying to do things simply in the essence of humanity does not yield the proper or desired results.  But, prayer allows the heart to exhibit sincerity, humility, and humbleness in its greatest form by seeking the will and plan of its creator.  It is then a matter of faith and trust, [life tool box] that he will lead, protect, and provide throughout the journey.
     The next p is purpose.  Trying to determine purpose is like trying to read a mystery novel by skipping to the last page to see who the culprit was.  Whenever you do that, you deprive yourself of the adventure along the way.  Purpose means knowing who you are as a unique individual; self-assured, confident, and believing in abilities to achieve [life tool box].  We know that God will take these incredible abilities that are special and use them in a dynamic way.  He has a great and wonderful plan and purpose for each life.  But, it must be understood that it is interwoven into the passages of time, like a beautiful story of intrigue, discovery, and adventure.
     Everything must have its own season.  The third p is promise {dreams}.  A dream is a special seed nurtured by positive things to blossom into the reality that great things can be accomplished to make a difference.  There is the knowledge that we have the ability to pray and through that a purpose and plan.  But, then there is the gift of the ability to dream.  God wants us to have dreams and to know that all good things worth having come from him.  Nothing is impossible if we believe in him and our ability through him.
     So, let's take the strength of prayer and that purpose, and the light of those awesome dreams and paint something unbelievable on the canvas of each gifted day.  Let's make the gift we are given an incredible masterpiece that is so welcomed with a grateful spirit and a light to others.  Now, let's prepare for our next port of call.  Are you ready?  STAY TUNED! 

1 comment:

  1. Lisa
    You really do have a gift of God-centered encouraging and inspiring writing. You remind me of Guideposts which I no longer receive. Tried to leave a post on your blog after reading all your recent posts but it did not post. Keep using and developing your gift!

    David Clark


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