Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Thought For The Day

The most beautiful thing

that you can ever obtain

is getting to know

the real person inside

The person whom God created

to be His awesome

light of hope

and getting to know

the real person

in others around you

It is then 

you will truly see

magnificent beauty


God's heart.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

When you feel like
When you feel like 
giving up.....laugh
When you feel broken
enrich someone else's world
When you feel alone
The greatest solution is God's Love
It is a perfect beacon of hope
always brings 
new promise.
God is your answer!
God bless you

Saturday, January 21, 2017

We have the great honor through the hard work of a brand new promising administration to restore America's appearance on the world stage. We have the chance to restore the American dream for every American. We can all retain our own individual beliefs and uniqueness. But, we need to work to restore our faith. love, patience, understanding, and respect. What is happening to brotherhood in this country? Please pray for our nation, its leaders and people. Give these two gentlemen a chance to make a difference. Let's be one nation under God and restore the American dream for all.

Thursday, January 19, 2017

Tomorrow is an important day in our nation's history. It is a crucial moment where we have the chance to embark on the pathway to a promising tomorrow. But, we must come together as a nation. Please if you have a moment, say a prayer for our nation and leaders and our people. How does it look to the rest of the world to see Americans rebelling against their own? Let's unite as a nation and stand strong!
God bless America!

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

As we approach the Presidential Inauguration in a few days, let's all pray for the unity, peace, and restoration of our great nation. Let's unite as a dynamic nation, regardless of personal feelings and do our part to restore brotherhood in our land. No matter what your opinion of the new administration may be, let's stand behind them, showing the rest of the world how strong we are.
God bless America!

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Thought For The Day

The absolute greatest feeling
immense and perfect 

joy and happiness

does not come

something that you can hold
or obtain

but instead

it comes

in the process of 

being a catalyst

a beacon of hope

a source of strength

a beautiful instrument

that the power of the Lord

can work through


bring hope and promise


uplift them
encourage them

and let them know

they matter

and then

seeing the

awesome results of

a life ignited



Friday, January 13, 2017

Thank you Lord for another amazing year
It is a precious gift of grace from your heart above
An awesome, beautiful blessing that I hold dear
and know that it was given with perfect love.
It is a time of being surrounded by real friends
who fill the moments with hope and delight
and make you feel great happiness that never ends
as they enrich your heart with all of their might.
Thank you Lord for revealing what matters so true
It is the greatest gift that the heart can receive
Each day is so fragile, tender and new
to a loving heart who trusts and believes.
Thank you Father for blessings large and small
I appreciate it more than words can say
and revel in the beauty of it all
Teach me to fill the moments with purpose each day.
Show me how to see the purpose of life in your care
and feel the humbled appreciation I need to
I know that with each step of the path you are there
to be my light of promise in all that i do.
So it is not just another birthday
It is a fresh new path of happiness I can see
Where you will show me how to be a light in many ways
and to fulfill my purpose so perfectly.

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Thought For The Day

Life's greatest beauty


in living every moment


the fullest

the greatest degree

the top point


letting God's greatest


most awesome gift





Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Thought For The Day

Perfect happiness is 

like a beautiful stained glass window

It is a precious gift...







provides a beautiful example


the power that love has.

Perfect happiness 



God's heart of love.

Finding A Perfect Fit

     Have you ever gone clothes shopping and were excited about getting something new for your wardrobe?  You find a garment that you really like and go to try it on.  It looks so perfect on display.  Yet, to your disappointment it does not fit well.  It also looks horrible and is not what you imagined it to be.

   Can you picture the connection between this scenario and life?  We have to find those things that are the perfect fit for us and help us to be the best person that we can possibly be.  Well, you might say that nothing is perfect (except for the Lord).  

  This statement is so true.  Yet, we must strive to find perfection to the best of our ability.  We are imperfect human beings.  We go along the pathway of our journey with all of our might.

  Yet, we worry about things.  It can be worry about something small or big.  We become fearful about things.  We grow anxious and overcome with stress.  It can be very easy to doubt and be filled with uncertainty.  Can you see the pattern?

  All of these things can effect any of us.  Yet. they are not a perfect fit.  They don't allow us to be the best that we can possibly be.  So, here is the question to ask.  If you don't control things, why let these factors control you?

  Would you worry about getting on a plane if you knew you had the best pilot in the world?  So, what do we need to do?  We need to take the Lord's hand as we embark upon our journey.  If you don't know the Lord as your Savior, please come to know him today.

  He will direct your footsteps and enlighten your path with the awesome beauty of his presence.  It is through him that you will find things that are the perfect fit for you:  love, joy, happiness, peace, fulfillment, strength, courage.  You will find those things that will be the perfect fit to make you the best that you can be.  

  So don't worry, be fearful, or filled with anxiety.  Put your hand in the hand of the one who knows all.  He is waiting for you.

God bless you all!

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

     Have you ever gone to the beach and held the sand in the palm of your hand?  It is fine and fragile as it cascades from the palm of your hand to the ground below.  The uniqueness of its makeup is gone as quickly as it came.

  Now, think about the aspect of the seconds of time in the same manner.  We are each given the precious gift of time.  However, it is typically gone in the same rapid way before it is even realized.

  Time is fine and fragile.  It is a blessed gift of hope and promise from God's heart.  But, we need to learn how to make the most out of this precious gift to the greatest of our ability.  How do we do this?  We ask God for help.

  You see, all that we actually have is today.  Yesterday is gone.  Tomorrow is not guaranteed.  So, why be troubled and burdened?  Trust God in every aspect.

  Take his hand and follow his step for every part of your journey.
God bless you all!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Thoughts To Cherish

The greatest thing that you can give
to someone



Give them a word of inspiration

Give them a smile

Let them know just how much they mean to you
and how their being truly blesses
your life








Monday, January 2, 2017

The Promise Source

     So, here is an important question to ponder.  Why is it that when someone gets closer to certain age brackets in their life, suddenly, life becomes less important?  They are not considered a viable source of promise anymore.  Instead, they are considered old.

  Ask yourself why such beliefs occur?  When a car is from a much much earlier year, it is considered vintage and valuable.  So, why do we give human age such a bad reception?  Every birthday should be a time to rejoice and celebrate the awesome gift that God has bestowed from his heart of love and grace.

  Every second of life should be cherished and lived to the fullest like a fragile flower showing its incredible beauty.  Remember, the greatest men and women of the bible were all instruments of God through even their older years.  They were viable lights of hope for his mighty Kingdom.

  So, enjoy every birthday.  Value life with every essence of your being.  Treasure those who are much older than you for the incredible and knowledgeable people that they are.  Seek the only true source for promise - THE LORD.

  No matter what age you are, he has so much purpose and promise for you!  Reach out and grasp his hand of love and life today!


I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus.. The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way... Come let Your sweet anointing and gr...