Wednesday, May 31, 2017

The Greatest Blessing
     Kayla wanted to find the perfect birthday gift for her Dad.  This wasn't just any birthday.  This was a special time.  She hadn't seen her Dad in a while.  It had probably been about two years.  Her Mother and Father were divorced.  They separated when she was just two years old.  It was a difficult transition for Kayla.  She was always so close to her Dad.  She got to see him sometimes.  But, his job required that he traveled a lot.  Sometimes those trips took him overseas.

   But, now Kayla is a teenager.  School is out for the summer.  She's going to get to spend a week at her Dad's house.  Kayla saved her allowance and the money that she had been making babysitting.  She went to the store with her friends, trying to find the perfect gift.  But, nothing seemed quite right.  She then found an appointment scheduler that her Dad could use on his business trips.  She bought some craft supplies and pasted her favorite picture of her Dad on the front.

  Kayla packed with great excitement for the trip.  It was going to be the highlight of her life.  The big day had finally arrived.  Her Mom took her to the airport.  Kayla couldn't wait to get on the plane.  Her Dad was going to meet her on the other side.  But, when the plane arrived and landed and Kayla walked inside of the building she didn't see her Father.   

  Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of him walking towards her.  They ran to embrace each other.  But, Kayla suddenly became silent when she saw a strange woman standing beside of her Father.  "Kayla,"  He said  "This is my wife Aimee."  Kayla's joy quickly disappeared.  She became very withdrawn.  She took her bags and followed them out to the van.

  Her Father's house was beautiful.  Aimee made everyone a great dinner and tried to talk to Kayla.  But, she would not answer.  Her Father's birthday was the next day.  Kayla unpacked and cried herself to sleep that night.  She knew that her parents were not going to get back together.   The next day, her Father took them out to lunch just the two of them.  He told her how he really wanted her and Aimee to be friends.

  When she got home, everything was finely decorated in birthday colors.  The table had many presents on it.  But, then Kayla noticed something.  Her present had been wrapped beautifully and was also included with an awesome wood framed picture of her and her Dad and his favorite cologne.  It all had her name on it.  Kayla looked at Aimee.  Aimee just smiled and winked at her.

  They had an amazing evening celebrating her Father's birthday.  The next day, Kayla was asked to go with them to church.  She had never remembered her Father being religious.  She got dressed and went with them.  Her Dad was one of the deacons.  Aimee stood up and introduced her beautiful daughter Kayla.  Everyone clapped with delight.

  Kayla could feel something tugging at her heart at that moment.  She embraced Aimee and began to cry.  She gave her heart to the Lord.  Kayla realized how important it is not to judge others.  She saw something even more awesome in her Dad at that moment.  It was the love of the Lord.  She had truly realized the greatest blessing!

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