Wednesday, June 14, 2017

The Light

     Tia sat quietly in the lunchroom, trying with all of her might to finish her meal.  She just didn't know what to make of all of the discord going on around her.  It started when a few of the employees that she works with began to express their opinions about the political status of the nation.  Suddenly, the room erupted in anger and arguments.

  She tried to change the subject and talk to some of the people at her table.  But, it didn't seem to do much good.  Tia returned to her office.  She finished her work for the day.  When she went home that evening, she quickly got ready to go to her college classes.

  But, when she arrived on campus, she was dismayed to find political protests going on.  Tia was disappointed to learn that a disagreement had forced the closing of the student library earlier in the day.

  Hearing all of the draining news on the television was discouraging to her.  Now, it was trickling into every day.  Tia had to talk to someone.  She set up a time and went to speak with her Pastor.

  "If you feel so strongly about it,"  He said to her.  "Make a difference."  Tia prayed with her Pastor and asked the Lord to guide her footsteps.  She wanted to seek His perfect will.

  Tia got together with many of her friends from church.  They decided to put together a dinner and concert.  Tia invited all of the people that she works with and goes to school with.  There was a barbeque, games and an amazing, uplifting concert.

  Her Pastor gave a message about hope, peace, and brotherhood.  He said that we should put aside our differences and join together in harmony as a nation under God.

  The room was silent.  Suddenly, people began standing to their feet in agreement and clapping.  Everyone joined hands and prayed.  Many people accepted the Lord.

  But, Tia felt led to do more.  She asked people to pray for the nation.  She began a prayer group at her job and school and was overjoyed as it slowly grew.  Tia knew that she could be a catalyst for God.

  She could make a difference with God's help, one heart at a time.

God bless you all!  

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