Sunday, July 30, 2017

Happiness is not a state of mind. It is a way of life. It is a point of hope that illuminates the purest beauty of the heart. When you look at the deepest desires of your heart, you'll discover it is a factor that enriches aspirations at their very core. It costs nothing. Yet, it is a priceless gem worth more than even the mind can truly fathom. It is a catalyst that along with Faith and inspiration propels the heart to limitless success. But, success in its truest definition....knowing life is a gift, being blessed and grateful, and inspiring others to the greatest degree. True Happiness can never be hidden by clouds. It only grows stronger and brighter leading the way to a brand new day.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Perfect love is a beautiful gift bestowed to the heart only once in a lifetime. It is a positive catalyst that touches the heart with a brilliant light of hope and, like a genuine tiny seed is planted and enriched for eternal blooms. Positivity begins to blossom to its greatest boundaries and new pathways begin to develop. Suddenly dreams take on new more powerful meaning, new visions begin to form and an awesome revitalization begins to take place. The heart in its most purest form begins to grow with a pure happiness, an abundant zest for life and a new understanding that it couldn't have thought possible. It is a blessing, a joy.
Genuine love is a symbol of hope.

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

A woman's heart is like a mysterious treasure box of beautiful discoveries to which love and hope are the perfect keys. Slowly, the door is unlocked to reveal a rare and genuine uniqueness that begins to blossom and grow. The playfulness of an innocent little girl whose zest for life is unmeasured. The yearning and motivation of a young woman who aspires to go above and beyond anything she can think of or others may foresee. The sensibility and maturity of an adult who knows the pathway to success yet, is still looking for new crossroads. All unbelievably woven with care, kindness concern hard work and diligence to make a beautiful rainbow of the definition of a champion. She is a woman driven by faith and defined by her beliefs. Never giving up or giving in she welcomes challenges to the greatest degree not to break her but to further her footsteps toward her goal. She fights for every minute and give thanks for every day knowing with a grateful heart what it all means. She is your Mother, your Daughter, You, Your Best Friend...any one who is always ready to stay steadily and run the race no matter how, where or when.
She is a delicate flower and yet, a rugged anchor and foundation. Knowing prayer is her guiding force ........ she will continue on......not with winning as the goal but seeing that victory as a beautiful light for others too. She is the beauty of life defined.Give thanks for the women in your life today.

Monday, July 24, 2017

***** A Happy Spirit *****
A happy spirit is like a flowing fountain of life
that blossoms with a beautiful light so perfectly
Learning to live each moment with a special delight
and always trying to do that so positively.

Reflecting inner beauty for others to behold
Trying to learn new things and continually grow
Being an example that shines with a love so bold
Grateful for all the blessings the heart has come to know.

A happy spirit always finds the best in each day
and lets the song of life fill their soul so completely
Doing things creatively in their own special way
Making life more unique and doing it happily.

A few words for the moment

Wednesday, July 19, 2017

****A Champion’s Song***** 
A beautiful flame of inspiration burns
Like a light of motivation so perfectly
A heart filled with love and hope so strongly yearns
For the dreams that it longs for to come to be.
Focused upon a determined goal in sight
Knowing what it takes every step of the way
A Champion’s challenges are his delight
For it means stronger will for a brand new day.

When he reaches that point so clearly defined
It is not about the true win after all
But being a light that will always remind
Other hearts to fight for their Champion’s call.

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Shine the sweet beauty of your radiant love
Like a reflection of hope so perfectly
and bless all my friends from Heaven above
Be the light of promise they'll need and see.

Walk by them with every step each day
Give them a mighty peace that fills their soul
Be the answer they search for in every way
Let your spirit make them complete and whole.
Give them the strength and courage to see them through
and happiness to fill their heart with delight
Help them to see there is nothing they can't do
For it is all in your hands and by your might.
Let them see that you have a great plan in store
They are truly talented beyond compare
They can reach for their heart's dream and so much more
Show them they're truly unique and that you care.
Father, bless my friends with happiness from your heart
May your love shine as a smile on their face
Help them to live life to the fullest from the start
Reach out to each one with your greatest embrace.

Monday, July 3, 2017

Happy Fourth of July every one! Have a safe and awesome day! Every moment of life is a precious gift. Let's live to the fullest and make the most of it. Share the beauty of your heart with others. Pray for our nation and leaders. God bless you all! God bless America! Rock the Fourth!

My Land

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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Thought For The Day

Your heart is like a beautiful

 empty leather bound journal

When you give it to God

You are inviting Him to be


You are placing all creative endeavors

in His hands and.........

trusting with complete and total will

in His great ability
















You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...