Wednesday, March 7, 2018

You see the joy that fills my gentle heart,
and you are there to share in my delight
You enrich every moment from the start
and are my beautiful, eternal light.

You see the tears that sometime fall so true
and you are there to bring comfort to me
Your presence brings me hope in all I do
In you I find my great tranquility.

You are the essence of every new day
Every minute is filled in your great hands
I'll put my faith in you in every way
and follow your word and your great commands.

Help me to see things through your holy sight
and to listen and seek you with my love
For I can't do anything by my might
It all comes from your mighty heart above.

Let me be a beautiful light for you
and always keep my sight on your great plan
that I stay by your side my whole life through
and never worry about life's demands.

Lord, bless me and all of my friends out there
Help each one of their heart's to truly see
that they need not worry in your care
For you will be their guide so perfectly.

God bless all of my friends out there

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