Friday, January 31, 2025

Lord You Are My Source


You are my source and light of hope for everything ✨️ I will ever need..
The beauty of Your glory shines like a guiding star for my dear heart 
When I want to find my path it is only through You I will succeed 
The breathtaking reflection of Your power is where it all will start. 

You are my strength and foothold that I can depend upon every day..
Refreshing rain that keeps life exciting, wondrous and so brand new 
My heart wants to reach out and learn from You and all of Your mighty ways 
Lord I want You to open Your hands and touch my life in all I do.

Lord You are my great well of living blessings that never will run dry...
I never have to wonder or worry but wait and behold it all 
For You are now always in control and I never have to ask why 
All I have to do is believe and trust and know You're there when I call.

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