Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Thank You, Jesus

Thank You Jesus for a perfect, breathtaking love that is always there for me..
I'm grateful for the sweet mercy and grace that fill the moments of each new day 
The forgiveness, compassion and blessings that enrich my life abundantly 
The awesome provision and power that will always make a special way. 

Thank You Jesus for the best friendship that makes my life so much sweeter still...
The peace and tranquility that smooths the pathway with such joy and happiness 😊 
The light of hope that keeps me focused on Your anointing and Your will
Your sweet heart ❤️ that overflows to always provide me Your very best.

Thank You Jesus for accepting me just as I am with such mighty care...
For always being by my side no matter what to see me through 
Welcoming me with open arms and taking all of my burdens to bear
I'm so grateful for Your patience and with honor I will always serve You!

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