Sunday, September 27, 2015

Thought For The Day

The Potter sits at his wheel and takes a lump of clay.....
He molds it and shapes it with precision and care.....
Suddenly, something begins to take shape
A beautiful Masterpiece slowly appears.
He works at it with great power
smoothing out every detail........
But, then something tries to stop his artistry
and the efforts seem to fail
He then works harder with greater detail
working out something better and new
Soon, his masterpiece boldly appears.....
with a beauty so genuine and true 
He is greatly pleased at it all
For it is truly a wonderful delight
A precious and magnificent artistic wonder
that is pleasing in his sight.

You are a Masterpiece from the Potter.....
The Master Craftsman.....
Created with great promise and purpose
You are beautiful and special!

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