Friday, January 29, 2016

Heart Views

     So, here is a very important question to consider.  Who defines what you believe and who you are?  One would probably need to define the word believe first.  Generally, it is a term used to describe what you know to be the undisputed fact or truth.
     This can relate to many different factors including:  yourself, others, God, things, and places.  So, the first question to ask is who defines you?  Do you let others define who you are?

     Do you let society define who you are?  Do you let God define who you are and are destined to be?  If you let others and society define who you are then most likely they are a factor in what you believe.

     Are you governed by factors that are unlike God like stress, anxiety, and worry?  Do you see yourself through the eyes of others?  If someone told you that you are worthless, would you feel that way?

     Define yourself as God sees you as the beautiful treasure of his heart of love.  Equip and cover yourself with the armor of his spirit so that when you experience such things it cannot hurt you.

     He will take care of you.  He will carry any burdens that try to weigh you down and steal your happiness and joy.  

     You are his beautiful, breathtaking creation.  You have so much promise and are blessed with gifts and talents that he has given you to fulfill a purpose.

     So, let who you are and what you believe be defined completely through who he is.  You'll find that you will never go wrong.  Your heart will always be filled with his sweet happiness!

Bless my precious friends.  Please help them to see with each new day just how much you love them and how precious they are to you.

God bless you all!

**If you have any suggestions about the blog, please mention them.

All Aboard!!  Tickets Please!!  We are proceeding to our next port of call!!  Prepare your hearts for the mystery!!  Stay tuned!!

1 comment:

  1. I really needed to see this today. Thank you. I am now a follower!


I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus.. The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way... Come let Your sweet anointing and gr...