Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Thought For The Day

The moment when you give up,
you hinder the development of the
seeds of prosperity that God has planted
within your heart.

You destroy the chances of those seeds
blossoming into the most
awesome dreams that you
could ever possibly imagine.

You breakdown the beautiful person
that God has truly destined you to be
into someone who is constantly conflicted
with stress, and anxiety.

So, don't let things tear you apart.
Ask God for help, and put on the 
full armor of Faith in the battle
against worldly element.

You want to make the greatest strides.
Let God be your Pilot.  Ask him to give you
strength, courage, endurance, and perseverance to go the extra mile.

When you do, you'll be surprise and delighted how quickly you can get to the winner's line and that he will be there with you to rejoice with you and give you a big hug!!
God Bless You!     

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