Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lessons In Love

     Luke couldn't believe in his heart that he had finally made it to a management position.  He worked so hard in his tenure with the company.  But, it just seemed that no matter how much effort that he gave, nothing payed off.  People who started after him were being promoted and he was stagnate in the same position.

  But, a few weeks ago, things began to change.  Luke went through his training.  He wanted to be the best boss that he possibly could.  However, in his heart, he wasn't quite sure how to accomplish that.  First, he tried the buddy system.  He wanted to become a pal to his subordinates and let them have input.

  This didn't work.  His employees began to lose some respect for him, and make fun of him.  Next, he tried being an overpowering boss.  He was demanding and very cross with those that worked for him.  This produced a great deal of tension and anger in his department.

  One day, he just felt so overwhelmed and wanted to give up.  This is when he felt a caring hand upon his shoulder.  He looked up and saw Rick, one of the other managers, smiling at him.  He was a born-again Christian and had more work place experience than Luke.

  "Are you okay, Man?"  He asked.  "No," Luke proclaimed.  "I give up.  I am not cut out to be a manager."  "Don't talk that way!"  Rick said. 
"You must give yourself a chance!"  Rick sat down with Luke and began to tell him about his relationship with the Lord.

  He told him how the Lord's peace and his guidance, and love help him every day.  Luke wanted to know so much more.  So, Rick invited him to the Men's Ministry breakfast the next morning which was a Saturday.

  Rick's Pastor prayed with Luke.  Luke gave his heart to the Lord.  Although he was just a young Christian, he dedicated his management position to the Lord.  He asked God to take total control and to help him to be the manager that he desires him to be.

  Things began to change for Luke.  He was at total peace and he knew that God was working on his behalf.  He was more himself and he could see the respect and happiness returning in his employees.  He gave all the glory to God.  He also thanked his friend.  "It was my pleasure."  Rick said.
God bless you all!
Can you see the pure, genuine love within my heart?
It shines so perfectly and brilliantly
and the caring nature that's a great part
Making the unique spirit God sees in me.
Can you see the compassion that knows no end
and kindness that makes a difference each day
The wish of a heart to be a true friend
and to show God's presence in every way.

Can you see the true meaning of beauty?
It's not found in what you look like or wear
It's in your heart for God made you to be
A unique masterpiece beyond compare.

So treat each person with respect and care
Discover their unique heart and beauty
and you will learn hope's lesson that's so rare
The greatest things come in what the heart sees.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Beautiful Revelations

     Jena sat quietly with an empty look upon her face as she stared out of the window.  The news reports playing upon her desk radio seemed to disturb her more.  Her co-workers have been recognizing signs of her personality changing.  

  She was once a bubbly person who was so full of life and happiness.  But, slowly, that began to change.  She became distant from the people that she once called her good friends.  Jena was now a loner.

  Andrea was one of the newcomers to the office.  She didn't know everyone quite that well yet.  But, she remembered how truly kind Jena was to her when she first started.  She immediately extended her hand of friendship and made her feel like she was truly welcomed.

  Andrea was surprised that no one made an effort to extend a hand of consideration to Jena.  She understood within her heart that she was probably the only Christian in the office.  She had been praying for Jena.  But, she felt that she had to do more.

  She went to see her Pastor for advice and counseling.  Andrea's Pastor was delighted at her concern for her friend.  He joined hands with her and prayed.  They both knew that the Lord would help her to reach Jena and bring her His perfect peace.

  She started out very slowly.  Andrea began having small conversations with Jena and letting her know she is there for her.  She took her out for lunches and shopping trips.  Jena began to open up a bit.  Andrea continued to pray for her.

  The two friends went to a counseling session together with Andrea's Pastor.  Jena broke down and began to cry.  She said how very lonely that she had been and how sad she had become watching the news and the world around her.

  Andrea and her Pastor smiled.  They told Jena that she didn't have to be concerned.  If she will accept the Lord as her Savior, He will govern her journey and bring her peace and joy.  He will take care of her and everything.

  Jena smiled for the first time in weeks.  She gave her heart to the Lord.  Slowly, her life filled with a perfect happiness.  She had discover beautiful revelations because of the love of a magnificent Savior and the kindness of her caring friend.

God bless you all!

Saturday, July 9, 2016

A Call For The Heart

Everyone out there

Let's all make a pledge

Please take

at least ten minutes

from your busy schedule

to pray for our nation, its awesome people

and yes, its leaders.

We need God's presence

We need his love

For our country

For our people

For our lives

Will you pledge just ten minutes?

This is a call for the heart

Our nation needs you

Our nation needs God.

Friday, July 8, 2016

Thought For The Day

Prayer is the only key.....

that unlocks

the greatest doors,
the tallest gates,

it overcomes

the greatest walls
the deepest waters
the highest mountains

It takes just.....

one genuine, willing heart

filled with faith

who holds tightly to the light of hope


that all things 

have an answer 

have a solution

have a method

through the wisdom and love


Almighty God.

Please make prayer

your every day key.

Please pray for our nation!

Saturday, July 2, 2016


     Let's take a moment and look back at the status of America throughout the years.  Now, I don't mean comparing industry or innovation.  I am referring to the moral, economic, and social health of the nation that we all dearly love.

   Things have changed so drastically, and not so much for the better.  When we look at America of the past, we see many great mainstays that were the great foundation of this land.  This included a strong wholesome traditionally defined family, children who were obedient and respective of their parents and elders, people who cared about others even strangers, and a more solid financial foundation.

   Take a moment and think about how radically things have changed.  Look at the environment of say the fifties compared to now.  When we think about why things have changed so much, this can be pinpointed to one solid source.....a nation who has gone away from God.

  Do you agree?  We took prayer out of the schools.  It has now become 'politically incorrect' to even mention God.  Do we see the trend?  

  If we don't change that trend, what will the climate of the future be like?  So, how do we begin to make changes.  This can be summarized in one word God.  We need to turn back to the Lord.  We need to ask his forgiveness as a nation and pray every moment for our great land.

  The Lord is the primary leader that we so desperately need.  We need him back in the heart and center of our nation again.  So, let's go back to those simple times.  Let's clean out the cob webs and become more dedicated to the Lord.

  Remember, this is what our forefathers wanted.  Consider this, what would they think if they saw the America of today?  This fourth of July, begin your prayer regime to pray for our great land!  God bless you all!

Tickets please!  We are proceeding to the next port of call!  Stay tuned!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...