Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Lessons In Love

     Luke couldn't believe in his heart that he had finally made it to a management position.  He worked so hard in his tenure with the company.  But, it just seemed that no matter how much effort that he gave, nothing payed off.  People who started after him were being promoted and he was stagnate in the same position.

  But, a few weeks ago, things began to change.  Luke went through his training.  He wanted to be the best boss that he possibly could.  However, in his heart, he wasn't quite sure how to accomplish that.  First, he tried the buddy system.  He wanted to become a pal to his subordinates and let them have input.

  This didn't work.  His employees began to lose some respect for him, and make fun of him.  Next, he tried being an overpowering boss.  He was demanding and very cross with those that worked for him.  This produced a great deal of tension and anger in his department.

  One day, he just felt so overwhelmed and wanted to give up.  This is when he felt a caring hand upon his shoulder.  He looked up and saw Rick, one of the other managers, smiling at him.  He was a born-again Christian and had more work place experience than Luke.

  "Are you okay, Man?"  He asked.  "No," Luke proclaimed.  "I give up.  I am not cut out to be a manager."  "Don't talk that way!"  Rick said. 
"You must give yourself a chance!"  Rick sat down with Luke and began to tell him about his relationship with the Lord.

  He told him how the Lord's peace and his guidance, and love help him every day.  Luke wanted to know so much more.  So, Rick invited him to the Men's Ministry breakfast the next morning which was a Saturday.

  Rick's Pastor prayed with Luke.  Luke gave his heart to the Lord.  Although he was just a young Christian, he dedicated his management position to the Lord.  He asked God to take total control and to help him to be the manager that he desires him to be.

  Things began to change for Luke.  He was at total peace and he knew that God was working on his behalf.  He was more himself and he could see the respect and happiness returning in his employees.  He gave all the glory to God.  He also thanked his friend.  "It was my pleasure."  Rick said.
God bless you all!

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