Saturday, July 2, 2016


     Let's take a moment and look back at the status of America throughout the years.  Now, I don't mean comparing industry or innovation.  I am referring to the moral, economic, and social health of the nation that we all dearly love.

   Things have changed so drastically, and not so much for the better.  When we look at America of the past, we see many great mainstays that were the great foundation of this land.  This included a strong wholesome traditionally defined family, children who were obedient and respective of their parents and elders, people who cared about others even strangers, and a more solid financial foundation.

   Take a moment and think about how radically things have changed.  Look at the environment of say the fifties compared to now.  When we think about why things have changed so much, this can be pinpointed to one solid source.....a nation who has gone away from God.

  Do you agree?  We took prayer out of the schools.  It has now become 'politically incorrect' to even mention God.  Do we see the trend?  

  If we don't change that trend, what will the climate of the future be like?  So, how do we begin to make changes.  This can be summarized in one word God.  We need to turn back to the Lord.  We need to ask his forgiveness as a nation and pray every moment for our great land.

  The Lord is the primary leader that we so desperately need.  We need him back in the heart and center of our nation again.  So, let's go back to those simple times.  Let's clean out the cob webs and become more dedicated to the Lord.

  Remember, this is what our forefathers wanted.  Consider this, what would they think if they saw the America of today?  This fourth of July, begin your prayer regime to pray for our great land!  God bless you all!

Tickets please!  We are proceeding to the next port of call!  Stay tuned!

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