Monday, February 27, 2017

The Light On The Horizon

     Brandon looked at his watch with a sigh and knew that it was time to leave.  He didn't have the strength to go out of the house.  But, he knew that he couldn't miss more time from his work.

  As he got into his jeep and began the trip, tears began to stream down his face.  He reached out to put the radio on, and then promptly shut it off.  He just couldn't take listening to the political hate on the news any more.

  When he got to his office, he went to the restroom to wash his face.  He tried to smile as he walked passed his coworkers to his office.   One of his good friends Peter was sitting at the far desk.  He took immediate notice of his friend's sadness.

  Peter had determined that something was bothering his good friend for the past few weeks.  He walked into his office to say good morning.  But, Brandon told him that he could not talk because he was very busy.

  Brandon tried to work heartily through the day.  Peter tried to invite him to dinner after work.  But, he turned him down.  The next day, a call came into work for Brandon.  He hadn't arrived yet. 

  But, Peter took the message for him.  It was from a medical referral line.  They still hadn't found the right doctor for his son's rare surgery.  Peter took the message and placed it on Brandon's desk.

  He watched the look on his friend's face that morning when he came in and read the message.  Peter knew he just couldn't stand by and watch his friend go through such pain.

  He went to the Pastor of his church and the men at the men's ministry and asked for prayer.  Suddenly, a tall, rather distinguished man stepped forward.

  He was new to the church.  But, he served the Lord all of his life.  He told Peter that he was a surgeon who had done rare surgeries before.  He would like to talk to Brandon.  

  The Pastor then said that the church would like to help with any other needs.  Peter was delighted beyond words.  He took the name and number of the man.

  The next day, he gave the information to Brandon.  Brandon took the card and said nothing for the rest of the day.  Two days later, he came back into work.  He gave Peter a big hug.

  "How can I ever thank you?"  He said to him.  "The surgeon can do the surgery and the church is going to help with costs and food preparation."  

  "I am so glad!"  Peter answered.  He looked up to God and simply said two words:  thank you.  "Come and visit my church if you can."  He said.  "But, you don't have to thank me.  The Lord is so faithful.  He uses faithful friends to make a difference with his great love!"



Sunday, February 26, 2017

Beautiful Insights

     Have you ever looked at a piece of art, trying to unravel its deepest meaning?  You study it and look at it with intense detail and all that you want to do is ask 'what the heck is that?'

   You definitely cannot see the inner meaning of the work or what the artist was trying to convey through it.  The path of life is much like an artistic piece.  

  We take our own cultivated steps along each long winding path.  As we do, we become stressed by all of the factors along the way.  We try to see things from our own imperfect perspective, and then try to interpret it all.

  But, when we stop, and ask God for his insight things will be different.  We need to ask Him to allow us to view things as only He would.  He will guide us and mold us.

  So, before you begin each new day, stop, and seek the Master Artist.  When you have His guidance and beautiful insight on the journey called life, things will become much more clearer and refreshing.

God bless you all!
I pray you'll shine the beauty of your heart each day
so perfectly upon all of my friends out there
Show them your blessings in every amazing way
Let them see so clearly how much you truly care.
Please let them feel your refreshing touch in their hearts
and reveal the light of your love so completely
Let there be such a meaningful work from the start
Show them the great promise that only you can see.
Please show your presence in the seconds that go by
Let them feel your peace and amazing happiness
Give them the special knowledge that they can rely
on your great power and grace which are limitless.
Lord, please bless my friends and draw them closer to you
Be the foundation upon which their hearts can rest
Be the center of their world in all that they do
Lord, bless my dear friends out there with all of the best.

Monday, February 20, 2017

A WOMAN OF FAITH*************
She is a beautiful woman of strength. Her faith is her anchor, the word of God is her compass, and his presence is her shield as she takes each step. There is peace in her heart knowing that his step is right beside hers.
A woman of faith is self-assured, wise and blessed knowing and grateful for all things from her Father and that he is in control. She is devoted to and is the precious creation of his heart, the unique rose of his love.
She is creative and hard working, ready to use the gifts from her Father to bless others. She is a trail blazer and a light of happiness, ready to do her best at everything to glorify her Father.
A woman of faith is a mentor and a lighthouse of inspiration shining brightly with her Father's presence. She is the ideal example of hope and promise through her Savior.
She is a woman of great character and happiness. She is known for a loving heart and a caring, gentle and giving spirit.
A woman of faith is a daughter after God's own heart.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Dreams are tiny seeds that emerge when the heart is infiltrated by the beautiful light of hope. The seeds are planted firmly and begin to grow and mature through the power of love and faith into perfect visions. These visions further develop through the rays of peace and inspiration into unbelievable plans and aspirations fueled by the power of happiness. It is then the journey of a Champion begins. No matter what stepping stones may arise the vision always remains clear. One powerful statement always remains in the heart.......NEVER GIVE UP ............NEVER GIVE IN.....PUSH FOR THE GOAL AND THE PURPOSE...........FOR THIS IS THE CREED OF A CHAMPION! ..........

Monday, February 13, 2017

The Beautiful Gift Of Love

Love is a beautiful blessing
that enriches life every day
It's a part of God's heart that brings
real beauty in a perfect way.

It comes in and moves mightily
to refresh with great happiness
Making life the best it can be
It's hope that slowly manifests.

It's a light that shines through the dark
and brings promise at its great base
No matter where you may embark
It is there to uplift your faith.

Love is instilled by God's great hands
No matter what the form may be
and always has a mighty plan
to inspire eternally.

It might be a love between friends
or a parent for their child
A true match love that never ends
or brotherly love that brings smiles.

So God bless all my friends out there
May you know true love every day
and may it bring you joy with care
and great blessings in every way.


Sunday, February 12, 2017

My Father's Song..........
Lord, as I take my steps today
Help me to always clearly see
No matter what is my pathway
You are always right there with me...
You're my bright light that helps me see
The peace that keeps me calm and true
My best friend who is there for me
My Provider to help me through.....
So as I begin without fear
A miracle starts to take place
A shadow matching mine is near
Amazing love soon fills each space...
Your strength lifts me up perfectly
Your joy keeps my spirit so strong
I know I can walk happily
Because my sweet Father's along.................

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Dear Lord,

Please bless each one

of my dear friends today,

Give them the strength 

to take another step

Fill them with determination

each mile along the way

Enrich their hearts with happiness

Let them feel your presence

like a warm ray of sun

and experience your peace

like a gently sleeping baby

and have a sense of wholeness

when the day is done

for you were with them every second

so perfectly

So bless each one of

my dear friends so true

give them a real sense of your love

and for those who are unaware

let them come to know you

Bless them all Lord

from Heaven above!


You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...