Friday, March 31, 2017

A winner fights for every footstep of the journey always with the championship in sight. They keep their focus on the positivity of the goal, and the zest for life, never letting clouds or rugged terrain deter their mission. Instead, they use every extra step to make them stronger, wiser, and more courageous, ready to begin each new day. The dream, planted firmly in their heart is ignited by their passion and hope and grows, propelling them to believe in all the possibilities, and know they can do anything through the power of faith. Suddenly, that dream slowly takes on a new incredible vision ......a stage of opportunity where the beauty of the heart and the greatest part of the spirit intertwine. That is the victorious future of a Champion

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Looking For The Light

     If you take the time to look with concern at the people around you, it might be enlightening.  Have you ever tried what some call 'people watching'?  Try a little experiment.

  You will most likely find that the average person is somewhat fed up and disgusted with everything around them.  There seems to always be a non-positive atmosphere no matter where you may look.

  However, there seems to be some glimmer of brightness in small amounts.  An example would be going into a grocery store and watching someone help a stranger pay for their groceries.

  So, what is the definitive answer to this current environment?  It is the light of the love of God.  There are many hearts out there who are searching and yearning for something good and the right to that good.

  As believers in the Lord Jesus Christ, we need to do our part to be instruments of His love and glory. We need to be that positive force through Him that brings new direction to yearning hearts.

  How can you accomplish this?  There are many ways.  How about telling a complete stranger 'God bless you' with a bright smile.  You could hold a door open for someone or do a kind act like helping to pay for groceries if you can.

  There are many ways that you can touch the world around you for the Lord.  Just think how blessed you will feel when you see some of that brilliant light of hope making a difference!

  Ask the Lord to help you be an instrument for Him.

Prayer;  Heavenly Father, please bless all of my friends out there.  Please show them how they can shine in their lives for you and be examples of your love.  If they don't know you as well as they should, please reveal yourself mightily to their hearts today.  Amen


Sunday, March 26, 2017

Lord be the foundation that helps my friends to walk their path each day,
Illuminate their way with your love in all that they may do
Surround them with your great presence and grace each step along the way
Give them your courage and true faith that will always carry them through.
Help them with assurance they are not alone and peace so perfectly,
Be their shelter so rugged and true when life's winds blow so big and grand
Fill them with happiness that never fails but shines for all to see
Let them dream and be filled with hope and promise by your mighty hand.
Lord give them great success that grows beyond the very test of time
Help them to see and envision good things as only you would do
Help them never to be burdened down by stresses they may find
Teach them to place their hand in yours and walk so faithfully with you.
God bless you all.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

The Missing Connection
     If you stop for a moment and take a look at all of the things that are wrong with today's society, most of us could probably come up with a great list.  But, if you examine it closely, there is one frightening trend that has occurred that is very disappointing.  
    What is it you ask?  Think about it carefully.  As a society, we have lost a sense of personal connection or human connection.  No matter where you may go, you see people preoccupied with their phones or laptops.  Most don't even bother to acknowledge others any more.
    No one writes letters or cards.  Now everything is done electronically.  Books and even cards are now becoming electronic as well.  Okay, there is nothing wrong with technology and its vast improvements.
   However, when the humanity aspect of society begins to die, it is time to wake up and take notice.  So what can you do?  Let's not let this personal aspect die.  Take the time to send someone a letter or a personal note.
   If you need some encouragement, wouldn't you like to receive a beautiful handwritten note that someone took the time to write?  God wants us to have fellowship with one another.  He wants us to show kindness and to be lights of his great love.
  There is nothing wrong with technological advancement.  But, in all sincerity, give your technology a rest, at least for a little while.  Go out and smell the beautiful roses!
God bless you all!

Dear Lord, thank you for the blessing of friends so true,
They fill each day with a special kind of pure happiness
Be the light of their lives in everything that they may do
Surround them with your presence and love, and all of life's best.
Please show them the beautiful plans that you have for their days,
Reveal the special gifts that you've given them for all time
Show them you will always be there every step of the way
Through their hearts may your wonderful love so brilliantly shine.
Touch them with your peace, and your comfort so diligently,
Be the source that they come to that's always near
Give them strength, courage and endurance that others can see
Protect them from the grip of life's stresses, worries, and fears.
Be the Father that dries every tear that may soon fall,
and the best friend that laughs heartily when the good times come
Show them your their Provider who will come when they may cal
and the light of hope who's there even when the day is done.
Lord, give each one of my friends a special knowledge of you,
Let them experience the wonder of your grace and love
Let them be a light of promise in all that they may do
Lord bless them, and be their everything from Heaven above.
God bless you all.l

Thursday, March 16, 2017

*****The Beauty of a Kind and Gentle Heart*****
An exquisite, genuine beauty that words cannot define
Captivating the soul with its brilliant and beautiful light
The essence of true blessing that slowly begins to unwind
and enriches with perfect joy and its incredible sight.
A tenderness and gentleness so rooted deeply within
Reaches beyond every boundary its caring arm of love
Paving an exciting pathway where humanity begins
and all with the very essence of pure, true grace from above.

A kind word, a gentle touch, a deed that brightens a new day
A beautiful lighthouse that uplifts along life's great journey
A unique and amazing instrument, more than words can say
The kind and gentle heart is breathtaking to behold and be.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017


You see the joy that fills my gentle heart,
and you are there to share in my delight
You enrich every moment from the start
and are my beautiful, eternal light.

You see the tears that sometime fall so true
and you are there to bring comfort to me
Your presence brings me hope in all I do
In you I find my great tranquility.

You are the essence of every new day
Every minute is filled in your great hands
I'll put my faith in you in every way
and follow your word and your great commands.

Help me to see things through your holy sight
and to listen and seek you with my love
For I can't do anything by my might
It all comes from your mighty heart above.

Let me be a beautiful light for you
and always keep my sight on your great plan
that I stay by your side my whole life through
and never worry about life's demands.

Lord, bless me and all of my friends out there
Help each one of their heart's to truly see
that they need not worry in your care
For you will be their guide so perfectly.

God bless all of my friends out there
The Fine Line

     Walking through the pages of life can sometimes seem like your walking across a tight rope.  Have you ever seen someone do that on tv or in a movie?  You try so carefully to place your feet always in the correct position on the path.

   But, there are factors along the way.  Sometimes, the foot or feet become off course.  You feel an immediate lack of accomplishment.  But, what we all have to remember is that we are not perfect.  

   We cannot take things to heart because life is a precious gift and a fragile gift.  We have the moments of the present.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  So, the question remains, why be so troubled?

  We must give everything over to God and realize that He is the ultimate playwright.  He holds the future.  We do not have that power.  So, before we endeavor to take those steps, let's make sure that they are the most durable steps possible.

  Place your life in God's hands and give everything over to Him.  Don't even try to figure things out.  Let your footsteps be guided by Faith and Trust.  When you are walking that narrow way He will be right there guiding you.

  But, remember none of us is perfect.  Our footsteps will be off centered at times.  Don't despair in this!  Your Heavenly Father will place them back on track if you trust Him.

  Let us pray..........

Dear Lord,

Please bless all of my friends out there and reveal yourself mightily in their lives.  Take center stage in all that they say and do and be the light of their hearts.


Give your heart to the Lord.......
Pray this prayer...

Lord, I want to make you the Lord and Father of my  life.  I give you my heart and my life and ask You to take complete control.  Be my everything, Father.  Amen. 

God bless you all. 

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Thought For The Day

When you feel like giving up...
give it over

When you feel like giving in
give it away

For a heart that is burdened

with the stresses


a sin-filled world

Can find









all of 

the wonderful things

that are truly worth having


the beautiful love


precious care


a devoted

Heavenly Father.

Seek Him today!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...