Tuesday, March 7, 2017

The Fine Line

     Walking through the pages of life can sometimes seem like your walking across a tight rope.  Have you ever seen someone do that on tv or in a movie?  You try so carefully to place your feet always in the correct position on the path.

   But, there are factors along the way.  Sometimes, the foot or feet become off course.  You feel an immediate lack of accomplishment.  But, what we all have to remember is that we are not perfect.  

   We cannot take things to heart because life is a precious gift and a fragile gift.  We have the moments of the present.  We are not guaranteed tomorrow.  So, the question remains, why be so troubled?

  We must give everything over to God and realize that He is the ultimate playwright.  He holds the future.  We do not have that power.  So, before we endeavor to take those steps, let's make sure that they are the most durable steps possible.

  Place your life in God's hands and give everything over to Him.  Don't even try to figure things out.  Let your footsteps be guided by Faith and Trust.  When you are walking that narrow way He will be right there guiding you.

  But, remember none of us is perfect.  Our footsteps will be off centered at times.  Don't despair in this!  Your Heavenly Father will place them back on track if you trust Him.

  Let us pray..........

Dear Lord,

Please bless all of my friends out there and reveal yourself mightily in their lives.  Take center stage in all that they say and do and be the light of their hearts.


Give your heart to the Lord.......
Pray this prayer...

Lord, I want to make you the Lord and Father of my  life.  I give you my heart and my life and ask You to take complete control.  Be my everything, Father.  Amen. 

God bless you all. 

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