Sunday, April 30, 2017


     Suppose that you are the winning contestant on a game show.  You are the big winner, and are given the choice to choose between four prizes.  The first prize is a million dollars.  The second prize consists of luxuries for the rest of your life.  The third prize is a successful career.  The fourth prize is a greater knowledge of and relationship with the Lord.  Which would you choose?

  Okay, most people in today's society would probably favor the first two.  But, that is where great wisdom comes in to play.  How do we envision things? What do they mean to us?  What is most important to us?  Most people, when they go to purchase a car, tend to look at what the car looks like and what its features are.

  Is that really more important than what's under the hood?   We need to pray for the proper instruments that will allow us to navigate our life's path in the best way.  If we ask God for His wisdom, and the insight to be able to envision life through His eyes, He will help us.

  So, let's return to the first question.  The unpopular answer is the best one.  Factors like money, success, and luxuries are unimportant if we don't have God in our lives.  Why?  This is because any thing worth having can only come from Him.

  The moment that we make Him Lord of our life, His joy fills our hearts.  He becomes our source, our answer and everything.  Wouldn't you rather have the things that come from His hands of grace and love?  You certainly would!
They are the priceless gifts that are worth more than you could ever imagine!

Dear Lord,

Please bless my dear friends.  Help them to see and experience your presence so powerfully in their lives.  Come into their hearts, and be their Lord forever.  Amen



Saturday, April 29, 2017

A Woman of Strength ******
There's a quiet beauty that radiates from her so perfectly
A wonderful light that shines from the window of her heart so true
A beautiful, loving, caring, and kind nature for all to see
As she strives to be at her very best in all that she may do.

The flame of hopes and dreams burns brightly within her eternally
She has a great Champion's spirit with a positive insight
Keeping her focus on a definitive goal she clearly sees
Trying to make a difference and succeed with all of her might.
She never gives up or lets challenges stand in her way at all
Fighting for everything her heart desires with great care
Walking with an endurance and persistence and standing so tall
Knowing there is a special place for her and she'll make it there.
She is a woman of Faith and devoted to family too
Knowing how much she is blessed and what everything truly does mean
A dedicated friend who is there to help with a heart so true
Ready to be a life changer no matter how heard it may seem.
A woman of strength is a creative wonder from the Lord's plan
A beautiful flower that brightens the world the more that it grows
She can do anything by the grace of God and his great command
She is a beautiful person that you should truly get to know.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Don't Give Up
Help me to never lose hope, and to always see the light,
The beauty of your awesome love that is forever there
Even though the path is rugged, help me with all my might
to continue on with strength because you so greatly care.
I can do any thing because you are right there for me
You lift me up and help me throughout each step of the way
When I want to quit, your encouragement comes so perfectly
to lead me to an exciting and brighter, brand new day.
So, Father, I pledge to never give up at any time,
I will look to you for strength, and happiness from your hands
It is in you, where all of the greatest things I will find
I know that you have dynamic promise and an awesome plan!
     Krista sat quietly, and tried to produce a big smile as she watched her dear friend open another gift.  The room was silent, waiting to see what was inside.  As she lifted off the top cover, and took out the garment, the room erupted in delightful sounds.
   "That is awesome!" One woman said.  It will go so well with everything!   Since it was the last gift, everyone gathered at the table to eat.  "So....."  Another woman said to Krista.  "When will we be attending your bridal shower, hmmm?"
   Krista felt so uncomfortable and out of place.  She tried to eat, and avoid the subject or chatting with anyone.  As she traveled home that evening, tears began to flow from her eyes.
  The next day at work, Krista was very quiet.  One of her friends, who was at the shower approached her desk.  "Wasn't that an awesome shower?"  She asked.  "Now, remember, I am doing your shower whenever that comes". 
  As the woman walked away, Krista put her face in her hands and wept.  Just then, she could feel a hand on her shoulder.  It was Kera, one of the newer girls in the office.  "Are you okay?"  She asked.  "Not really", Krista answered.
  "I am so tired of not being good enough."  Kera smiled brightly.  "Will you please come with me to a women's dinner at my church this evening?  We are having a guest speaker.  I think that you will really like her."  Kera said.
  "Well, I don't know."  Krista answered.  "No one will judge you in any way."  Kera answered.  Krista tried to smile and agreed to come.  The two women talked, and finished out the work day.  Krista then followed Kera to her church.
  As she walked in the door, she was welcomed by many women, even though they didn't know her.  They didn't judge her or ask any questions.  They simply said they were delighted she was there.
  The guest speaker came to the stage, and began to speak.  She spoke about the incredible love of God, and how we, as His daughters, are so precious to Him.  Each one of us are unique, with a special purpose to fulfill and special gifts.
  After the lecture, the speaker sat at the table with Kera and Krista.  She could see that something was bothering Krista, and asked her what was wrong.  The lady simply smiled brightly.
  "Listen", She said.  "You do not have to conform to the opinions of other people.  God loves you.  He made you unique and special.  He will take care of you.  Be your own person."
  Krista smiled and began to cry.  "Would you like to accept God into your heart?"  Kera asked.  Krista nodded her head.  They all joined hands and prayed.  Krista gave her hear and life to the Lord.
  She felt a new sense of relief at that moment.  She felt like a brand new person.  Never again did she let any one define who she was or would be.  God is in control!
Would you like to accept the Lord?  Pray this prayer.  Lord I want and desire to know more of you.  I give you my heart and life.  I want to live for you, serve you, and love you forever.  Please be Lord of my life today.  Amen.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017


     Here is a question.  Have you ever eaten a peach and then removed the seed inside to try and plant?  You painstakingly plant it in the ground, hoping that at some future point you might see new life emerge.

     Have you ever tried that?  Maybe someone that you know has.  Well, remember nothing is impossible.  Yes, that tiny pit or seed can have potential.  But, there has to be factors in place to allow the facilitation of successful growth.

     What are these factors?  First of all, nothing can truly take wings unless you are positive and believe.  Secondly, you need water, sunlight, diligence, and tender loving care.

     Okay, so now think about your own hopes and dreams.  Have you ever felt that you could not accomplish anything? Have you ever felt a bit like a failure?  Perhaps you have made mistakes in life.  Who hasn't?

     But, now think of yourself in terms of that seed.  God is the 'Master Gardener'.  He takes beautiful seeds from His garden and plants them, with great promise and potential in mind.  

     Yes, many weeds might try to grow and inhibit the progress of that seed.  But, then what happens?  The 'Master Gardener' comes in and begins to remove those weeds and cultivates the ground to help the seed blossom.

     You have such great potential.   Place yourself in God's perfect hands and watch the masterpiece unfold!  Don't look at the weeds.  Give them to the Master.  Take hold of the dreams of your heart and reach for great things in Jesus magnificent name!

Lord, please bless all of my dear friends.  Help them to grow and blossom and to realize their greatest dreams.  Amen.


Wednesday, April 12, 2017

     Okay, so how many of us have ever had the 'I wish' blues?  You probably know what this is without a detailed explanation.  Have you ever found yourself saying sentences that start with 'I wish I had...'.  But, why do we always look at the things that we don't have and feel that we wouldn't be complete without them?

   Take a moment to consider this fact.  If we where to take but a mere thirty minutes and write down all of the things that we do have tangible and non-tangible, how long would the list be?  Please try this enriching experiment.

   Think about all that you have on your list.  Would you use the word 'blessed' to define yourself?  After you are finished with this experiment, go out and take a look at those around you.  You will always find someone who is a little worse than you.

  So, maybe it is time for a new direction.  Instead of wishing for what you don't have, give praise for everything that you do have.  Consider how wonderful the Lord's love, grace, and mercy are!  If you don't know Him as your Savior, come to know Him today!

  You are welcomed on an awesome journey!  Count your blessings and be grateful for even the smallest of things.  It is then that a truly grateful heart leads to more blessings and greater dreams come true!

Prayer:  Lord bless my dear friends.  Help them to see how truly blessed they are.  If they don't truly know you as their Savior, please reveal yourself mightily to them today!

Thursday, April 6, 2017


     Have you ever run a race in your lifetime and suddenly realized that you were not going to win?  Maybe you started out with great aspirations of hearing the crowd cheer when you cross the finish line in first.  But, you came in virtually last.

  How did that make you feel?  You probably felt alone, alienated and very empty.  Perhaps that is how a lot of us feel as we continue on our journey.  A heart can become overtaken by the stress of a lost world.  

  Perhaps you don't have anyone.  Your family is gone.  You don't have any real true friends.  Sometimes you feel so alone.  These feelings are very real and understandable.  We are all human.  

  We have emotions, and feelings and are imperfect.   Yet, there is a bright ray of light, hope and promise that is always there with a healing touch.  He is a true best friend who is always dependable.

  His name is Jesus.  If you know Him already as Savior, then just ask Him to heal your heart of the feelings you are experiencing.  Pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus... You are my Father, my best friend, my everything.  Please come in to my life with a fresh new healing anointing.  Take away any feelings that are not of you.  Fill me with your peace.  Amen.

  If you don't know Him as your Savior, and would like to, please pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus... My heart is searching for truth and meaning.  I know I can find everything in you.  I give you my heart and life and ask you to take complete control.  Be the light of my life and heal my heart.  Take away anything that is not of you and help me to live for you.  Give me peace.  Amen.

  You will find a new and refreshing meaning and purpose like you have never known.

God bless you all!

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Thought For The Day
A new day is like a blank story board
waiting to be filled
excitement, and adventure
when you have the right components
God's amazing love, His peace
and His grace and happiness
you can expect
the greatest
most wonderful
most unbelievable
that the heart can
ever imagine!

You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...