Sunday, October 25, 2015

     Finding the ideal attitude is like trying to navigate a hot air balloon in a wind storm.  There are times when it can seem difficult and even somewhat impossible.
     This is especially true in today's stress-filled, fast paced society.  Consider the following example:  suppose that a dear friend argues with you over something that seems so trivial and insignificant.
     Now, there are a few ways that you can react to this situation.  You could step back and diffuse the situation, keeping the peace.  You could also argue and fight, causing turmoil, and upsetting a beautiful friendship.
     Most of us, trying to side with common sense, would probably choose the first choice.  Yet, unfortunately, the essence of human nature would lead us more toward the second choice.
     But, there is a beautiful light that comes shining through just when we need it the most.  It stops the winds, calms the waters, and brings perfect peace.  It is the awesome presence and love of the Lord.
     All that we need to do is call out to him.  The light of his love in its greatest strength comes in, helps us, and teaches us how to properly build every moment.
     So, get ready to put on a Heavenly attitude.  Make the most of every opportunity to grow and develop as a new person.  Don't let factors determine who you are.  Define yourself with the very best definition possible.  Give it to God today!
Prayer: me to be the very best person that you have designed me to be.  Fill me with your perfect love today.

All Aboard!!  Preparing for departure!  Tickets please!  Don't be left dockside!  Stay tuned!!


  1. Lovely article. Faith in Him will bring a positive change in us and this will help us to be a better person. Keep writing such good stuffs.

  2. Your style of writting is unique, great post you have here..

  3. Having a spiritual outlet is such an important part of total stress management. Good for you!

  4. Thank you for sharing and reminding us to look to God when we need to be reminded to stay positive and use common sense!

  5. This is so important, and is a constant struggle. There is so much to be thankful for!

  6. I like the tone you use when you write. Your faith truly stands out.


You Are Everything I Need

My Jesus... You are the perfect sunshine that brightens my day when the clouds try to take over the land.. You are the breath of life and th...