Monday, September 16, 2019

My Greatest Joy

My greatest joy comes when saying your name Lord of 💘 love,
It fills me with a fulfillment that I can't explain
and when I give my praise unto you sweetly above
It gives me everything that I will need to sustain.

I feel this precious wholeness I did not have before.
and that I'm a special and unique symbol of you
So with my greatest 💘 love I'm knocking on Heavens door
Asking for more of your presence in all that I do.

You are my breath, my lifeline and my everything
I adore you with my being and all that I am
When I think of you my soul and spirit want to sing
Thank you for taking care of me by your mighty ✋ hand.



  1. Such a unique reflection of mind and soul. Loved the poem. Serene and calm.

  2. What a powerful poetry I love this! Keep it up!

  3. This was beautiful poetry. I felt this and felt I drifted into the poem.

  4. Beautiful poetry and great thoughts to think on right now. Definitely need to remember someone is always watching over me.

  5. I love poetry like that. You know how to tell a deep and wise story in a few words.

  6. Very have a talent, glad you are sharing.


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