Saturday, August 5, 2017

New Pathways

     Drew was excited about starting his new job.  He knew that it would be a challenge.  But, he felt deep in his heart that he was prepared for the challenge.  No one believed that he could ever fulfill his dreams.  He never knew his birth parents.  He was given up for adoption at an early age.

  Yet, a kind older couple adopted him and gave him a chance at a successful life.  It was when he got into high school that he met a teacher who became his mentor.  This teacher introduced him to Jesus Christ. Drew started going to church with him.  He eventually gave his heart to the Lord.

  Drew began to study harder, and eventually made straight a's.  He dedicated his future to the Lord.  His teacher helped him get a full scholarship to college.  Well, he graduated college at the top of his class.  Now, with the Lord's help, he had gotten a job with one of the top firms in town.

  It had been wonderful the first few days.  Drew had made a lot of new friends.  His boss was greatly impressed with his work.  But, when he told a co-worker 'God bless you' and bowed his head in the lunchroom to pray, things began to change.

  Suddenly, his co-workers began to alienate him.  His boss called him into his office and told him that it must stop immediately.  If it didn't he would lose his job.  Drew was devastated.  He had gotten a chance on the pathway to his dream.

  Yet, despite all of that, he couldn't turn his back on his best friend Jesus.  He was everything to him.  Jesus came first in his life above all things.  Drew called his teacher friend, and together they attended a prayer meeting that night.

  They sought God's will, direction, and protection.  Drew knew what had to be done.  He wasn't afraid because he knew that the Lord would be right there with him.

  Drew arranged for time to speak with his boss the next day.  "I am sorry sir,"  He said.  "But, my Lord is everything to me.  My faith is a part of who I am and I believe that should be respected."  His boss bowed his head and thought for a moment.

  Drew simply looked up and closed his eyes, waiting on the Lord.  His boss cleared his throat.  "Young man,"  He said, stretching out his hand to shake Drew's.  "You are correct.  I apologize for any ill feelings."

  Drew smiled brightly.  He thanked his boss and couldn't wait to call his teacher with the good news.  They attended service that night and thanked the Lord for his goodness.  Drew was honored.  He had stood up for his Savior, and now was even praying for his boss and co workers to be saved!


1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed your post, I wondered what he would do but I guess when Jesus is your best friend you take get the correct guidance. thanks for sharing.


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