Friday, May 17, 2019

Heart Thoughts

     It is so discouraging to see someone mistreating someone else.  They don't like the way that they look.  They don't like who they are or simply that they exist.  When you see something like this it makes you want to hold up a big mirror in the person's face and ask them .. 'just who do you see?'.

   You are not perfect.  No one is perfect except for the good Lord himself.  We have no right to judge or mistreat other people.  A small act of kindness whether a kind word or a kind deed or even a smile makes a world of difference. 

  If I could make the perfect t shirt and give them away free, it would read 'shine your light like Jesus would'.  So go out there and make a positive difference.  Treat others the way that you would want to be treated.  

  But, the next time you see someone being unkind pray for them.  Give them a beautiful word of advice.  "Give kindness away.  It is free and is a beautiful seed from God's heart."

God bless you all.

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