Friday, May 24, 2019

The True Hope Of Freedom

     Freedom is a subject that many of us don't really know the true definition of.  We have heard about it through various sources, like education.  But, we don't really know the true blessing that we have been given.

   This historical weekend, let us take time to think about just how truly fortunate we are.  But, before we can do that, we must remember one important thing.  We are 'one nation under God'.  

  There are many who would want to dispute that.  Where would we be without God?  We can see the beauty of His majesty all around us.  He has everything in the palm of His hands and all blessings come from Him.

  We can see His presence in the wonder of a morning sunrise, a baby's hearty laugh, and even the composition of a rainbow.  There are many ways we can see His glory.

  But, as a nation we have seemed to venture from that.  We have become divided over political nonsense.  We should come together and rededicate our nation to God.  Let us be the shining light of goodness on the world stage.

  Once we have taken that important first step then we can truly see the real meaning of freedom.  We are free to be the unique masterpieces that God designed us to be.

  Let us pray for our nation and its leaders.  Let us unite as a country with the respect honor and dignity that our forefathers so desired.  May God bless you all.  God bless America.

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