Friday, June 21, 2019

     Dear Lord:

Please take this fear away from me..
and every worry that may come my way
Help me to see things as only you would see
and the beauty of each moment of the day.

Please help me not to feel stressed or burdened in all I do..
Help me not to be concerned by all I think of
But give me a strength and empowerment from you
Let me feel the power of your perfect love.

Please help me not to take everything into my hands..
and try to organize things based on my own accord
But help me to leave it all to your awesome plan
and realize you are my Father in control, and my Lord.

Please help me to be the child who is walking in your steps so true..
and keeping my sight always were it should be
Directly on your presence and power in all I do
You are my Father of all eternity.

Please give me promise to be more and more like you..
A shining star reflecting her Father's greatness
Seeking to please your heart with a delight so new
and a awe and dedicated reverence. 

Please take my heart and fill it with your power and happiness..
Live forever within me
I am so truly fortunate and blessed
Thank you with humble sincerity.


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