Sunday, January 26, 2020

Thought Process

     Have you ever thought about riding a roller coaster?  I'm sure many can say that they have at some point.  I can honestly say that I never have. 

     But I have seen others attempt it especially for the first time.  It can seem rather adventurous to go soaring through the air at lightning speeds.  Some even go backwards and upside down.

   That is until you actually get up there.  They strap you in tight and get you prepared.  Most just sit there and contemplate what were they thinking.

     The journey of life is similar.  We can never take on the adventure in our own right.  We are imperfect in our humanity.  Yet we can prepare ourselves with our foundation in the Lord above.

     He is the Creator of the universe.  He holds everything and everyone in His righteous hands.

   He will guide you and take care of you.  He will carry you in His precious arms.  Sometimes it may not seem like He's there.

   But when we look at the intricacies of each day we can see the path of His presence. 

   So when you have to get on life's rollercoaster don't be afraid.  Look up smile and know it will be one awesome adventure.

God bless😊


Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Wonder Of Prayer

     Prayer is a beautiful thing.  It is a wonderful gift from God above that allows us to come into His presence and join our heart with His. 

     Yet sometimes it can be one of the most complex and puzzling things to comprehend.  Living in such a stressful and busy society most people don't have the time.

     Secondly when they pray they may not get exactly what they want or at the time they expected it.

     But we need to stop and fully comprehend the true beauty and uniqueness of prayer.  God already knows everything we need before we ask Him.  He is the Creator and controller of the universe.

     Yet the gift of prayer is a chance for us to speak to His precious heart and draw closer to our Father.  What parent would not want to be closer with their kids?

     But sometimes we think prayer is like the drive thru at a fast food restaurant.  We want it fast on time and just the way we like it

     But we have to understand that God is perfect and all knowing.  He wants the best for His children and He wants happy hearts.

     Yet what we want may not always be best or at the time we expect it.  We have to trust God and His heart.  We must know that He will do what's good for us and the glory of His kingdom.

     So here is a challenge for you in this new year.  Get one of those pocket planners at the store.  They are not expensive.  Entitle it 'my prayer planner'.

     Each day set aside some quiet time for prayer.  You could start out small with five minutes.  You can give five minutes to God.  Right?  Increase it little by little.

     Every time you finish a session put a star by it.  For every page of stars go out and do something special for someone. 

    You will begin to see how special you feel and how special you make others feel.  Your heart will feel awesome as God fills you with more of His presence.

     Prayer will not only become more clear to you but it will be your tool to a brighter tomorrow.

God bless you all.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thought For The Day

Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to step back and do nothing

Our reflective human emotions make us want to lash out at others who have hurt us

But the greatest thing to do is take a step back

Sometimes God doesn't answer right away because He is waiting to see how we react

Give it all to Him. He will take care of it and give you peace

Be an example of the light of His love today

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Thought To Ponder

When you feel like quitting..
Like your meaningless and
No one seems to care
Just remember someone else is in charge
You have no need to despair.

There's a hand reaching out for yours
And steps following closely behind
Love trying to brighten your world
And peace to relax your mind.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Thought Of The Day

A burden left in your hands can wither,

But, a burden placed in the Lord's hands
Can be worked and reworked
Like a beautiful seed planted
To make something negative into
Something positive and awesome

Give everything to the Lord today
Trust Him and
Know that miracles can happen!

Friday, January 10, 2020

Love is a fragile gift..planted as a tender seed,
It is nurtured and renewed by the Lord's hands with care
Planning for it to blossom and to grow and succeed
being a true source of hope and promise everywhere.

It ignites the heart with a fire that never dies
A beautiful light of kindness and care that reaches out
and becomes a catalyst spreading to other lives
Planting its seeds and creating happiness...devout.

Soon, something awesome and wonderful begins to take place
Those seeds become stronger and start to blossom and grow
More lives are enriched by this gift from God's precious grace
As its power shines for others to come to know.

Hearts are united with a genuine happiness
As they learn the true joy of every day life...and more
Realizing the perfect, true meaning of being blessed
As genuine love begins to knock on their life's door.

Monday, January 6, 2020

**** Prepare me to be your humbled instrument at your command
a work in progress made beautiful by your love and grace
Teach me how to open my heart to listen for your plan
giving each and every great part its special time and place.
***** I pledge your will to be the clear voice of my heart
No matter what I may face as I follow your love's light
Help me with your patience to understand right from the start
and to be a trusting, pleasing child in your sweet sight.
***** My Lord you are my everything and the light of my heart
Your dear, and precious voice is my compass for every day
I will always hold it close to me as the greatest part
of who I am in your image, as you prepare my way.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

The beauty of the heart is like a precious flower planted as a fragile seed.  As it is carefully nurtured it slowly grows and blossoms into something more unique, genuine, and exquisite in nature.  It blooms into a rare symbol of individuality that defines and shapes the very essence of beauty and is an eternal light of hope and motivation that inspires and moves the soul to wonderful, amazing, and unbelievable new heights that cannot even be imagined.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Your love is a perfect foundation that strengthens my journey's way,
It is a beautiful source of hope in which to find peace and happiness
It is a light that gives me direction and promise every day
An inspiration that helps me to endure and do my best.
Your love is that extra footstep right beside me throughout it all,
Encouraging me and uplifting me to go that extra mile
It is the caring heart of grace that always has time when I call
The faithful and trusted best friend who always knows how to make me smile.
Your love is the perfect, sweet gift that I don't deserve to receive,
Yet it is always there for me whenever I need it to be
Ready to protect and provide, and to meet each and every need
But, there are never any great limitations or boundaries.
Father, teach me how to love other hearts every day as you do,
and to be humbled and thankful for all that you've bestowed to me
The journey would not be any thing without your great love so true
Father, help me to be a light for you in all that I can be.


Wednesday, January 1, 2020

*******NEW YEAR'S BLESSING.......A PRAYER************

Father, I dedicate this new year to you,
Please take control of everything from the start.
Fill it with your presence, as only you can do,
and all of the beautiful things that come from your heart.

Help me to be the person you want me to be
A beautiful ray of hope and bright star of light
When I look at myself, it is you that I'll see
and always know that I am pleasing in your sight.

Give me a joy that fills me to overflowing
and a pure heart to see so clearly  and so true
Let me be humble and grateful in everything
and always give my best in all that I may do.

Please see amazing promise within me
and help me to see a glimpse of your wonderful plan
Give me the strength, courage, and health that I will need
to live each day with success, guided by your hand.

Be the central part of each moment that goes by,
Make me an instrument for others every day
Let this be a groundbreaking year so glorified
Where pure hope prevails in every single way.

Father, I ask you to bless this new year right now
Let's be a team, and work hard to make it the best
Give me Faith to always know without asking 'how'
For when I am close to you, I am always blessed.

AMEN.   ******

I Open My Heart ❤️ To Your Anointing

Precious 💞 Jesus.. The door is wide open with yearning and delight to all that you are in every way... Come let Your sweet anointing and gr...