Sunday, January 26, 2020

Thought Process

     Have you ever thought about riding a roller coaster?  I'm sure many can say that they have at some point.  I can honestly say that I never have. 

     But I have seen others attempt it especially for the first time.  It can seem rather adventurous to go soaring through the air at lightning speeds.  Some even go backwards and upside down.

   That is until you actually get up there.  They strap you in tight and get you prepared.  Most just sit there and contemplate what were they thinking.

     The journey of life is similar.  We can never take on the adventure in our own right.  We are imperfect in our humanity.  Yet we can prepare ourselves with our foundation in the Lord above.

     He is the Creator of the universe.  He holds everything and everyone in His righteous hands.

   He will guide you and take care of you.  He will carry you in His precious arms.  Sometimes it may not seem like He's there.

   But when we look at the intricacies of each day we can see the path of His presence. 

   So when you have to get on life's rollercoaster don't be afraid.  Look up smile and know it will be one awesome adventure.

God bless😊


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