Sunday, January 19, 2020

The Wonder Of Prayer

     Prayer is a beautiful thing.  It is a wonderful gift from God above that allows us to come into His presence and join our heart with His. 

     Yet sometimes it can be one of the most complex and puzzling things to comprehend.  Living in such a stressful and busy society most people don't have the time.

     Secondly when they pray they may not get exactly what they want or at the time they expected it.

     But we need to stop and fully comprehend the true beauty and uniqueness of prayer.  God already knows everything we need before we ask Him.  He is the Creator and controller of the universe.

     Yet the gift of prayer is a chance for us to speak to His precious heart and draw closer to our Father.  What parent would not want to be closer with their kids?

     But sometimes we think prayer is like the drive thru at a fast food restaurant.  We want it fast on time and just the way we like it

     But we have to understand that God is perfect and all knowing.  He wants the best for His children and He wants happy hearts.

     Yet what we want may not always be best or at the time we expect it.  We have to trust God and His heart.  We must know that He will do what's good for us and the glory of His kingdom.

     So here is a challenge for you in this new year.  Get one of those pocket planners at the store.  They are not expensive.  Entitle it 'my prayer planner'.

     Each day set aside some quiet time for prayer.  You could start out small with five minutes.  You can give five minutes to God.  Right?  Increase it little by little.

     Every time you finish a session put a star by it.  For every page of stars go out and do something special for someone. 

    You will begin to see how special you feel and how special you make others feel.  Your heart will feel awesome as God fills you with more of His presence.

     Prayer will not only become more clear to you but it will be your tool to a brighter tomorrow.

God bless you all.

1 comment:

  1. Lovely piece. I agree with prayer being both wonderful and puzzling at the same time. I guess the trick is in sticking with it even when we don't see the results


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