Wednesday, July 22, 2015

The Microwave Heart

     Most everyone has had the wonderful pleasure of a drive-thru service at a restaurant.  It has become a symbol of American culture.  You drive up to a little speaker, present your order, and drive through to a window to pick it up for a stated amount.

     If you don't get what you want, you demand proper service.  Does this sound like a familiar scenario?  It is sorrowful to say that we are part of a right-now society.  Do you have a microwave heart?  Do you have a reflective heart?  What?

     A microwave heart demands certain things.  If things do not turn out as planned, and at a certain time, all is lost.  A reflective heart does not demand or anticipate.  It stands firmly on an inspired foundation, dreaming and believing for the good.

     So, what kind of heart do you have for the journey?  Take a moment to consider the following statement.  Life is like a large play in many stages.  We are the actors.  Our Creator is the stage director.

     So, is it really feasible to be a microwave heart?  No, not at all.  Why?  Although we are entitled to have will in the overall picture, the best performance comes from the one who has total control of the stage.

     How can we demand and then get upset when it doesn't go the way that we want?  We have no power.  A reflective heart understands this concept.  It stands firmly on hope.  We cannot plan effectively.

     Instead, we must pray and believe, knowing that even though in our humanity we may not comprehend, better things are ahead.
So, how do you become a reflective heart?  Well, there are a few steps to think about.  Here are the steps:  realize the genuine overall picture, know that success can be achieved free of self will, and believe.

     A reflective heart can best see the genuineness of the journey with humbleness and humility.  Remember, the most awesome things come to those who ride on the wings of time!

All aboard!  We are proceeding to the next exciting port of call!  Prepare your heart!  Open your imagination!  Stay tuned!

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