Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Warmth of Sonshine

     Have you ever had those days where you felt so alone?  You felt like you were in a distant land, far away from everyone.  I'm sure if we really think about it, most of us have had those type of feelings in some form.

  We live in a fast paced, dark ever changing society.  Most people don't care or ever take the time to care about another soul.  For example, what do you do when you are about to enter a door and the person in front of you allows the door to slam shut.   

  How does that make you feel?  Perhaps someone says an unkind word to you because they don't like how you look.  Something like that would tear away at any gentle spirit.

  There are many factors that can reach in to the heart and destroy it.  So what do you do?  How do you empower yourself to walk along your pathway with strength and confidence?  The answer is to step into  the Sonshine.

  No you are not seeing a misspelled word.  I am not referring to traditional rays that come from the sun.  The 'Son' that I am talking about is the light of God's love and presence that we choose to live in.

  How does it work?  Simply ask the Lord to be the Father of your heart and life.  Ask Him to shine His presence and love upon you and be with you.  When you have that moment when you feel so alone and alienated, that beautiful and breathtaking light comes in.

  It begins to shine brightly and wrap you in God's perfect love.  Suddenly, you're a brand new person.  You will never feel loneliness again.

  Simply pray this prayer:

Merciful Heavenly Father:

Please come into my heart and life.  I want to live for you and serve you.  Let your light be my guiding tool and your love surround me always.


God bless you all! 


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