Sunday, April 15, 2018


     Have you ever stopped to consider what's truly important in life?  If you ask most people, the answer would probably be fame and fortune.  But, when you think about it, neither of those things make you happy or bring you joy.

  True purpose in life goes beyond material things and self-important achievements.  Real purpose is something eternal and lasts forever.  It has within its realm pure happiness and joy that is always there through all seasons.

  So where do you begin your quest to find this true purpose?  It is found the moment that you accept the Lord as your personal Savior and pledge your heart and life to Him.  Any thing worth having comes from His hands of love and grace.

  He has a beautiful plan and purpose for your life that goes far beyond anything you could ever imagine.  But we have to also remember a few key points.  The world in which we live is not perfect.  It is dark and lost.

  So as we are walking along our pathway, there will be bumps along the way.  But the Lord will be there right by our side, helping us and lighting our way.  We never have to worry or fear.

  Again, what's truly important in life?  The Lord and our relationship with Him.  We are to love Him and serve Him and love others.  We are to be His light that blesses other lives.

  So on those days when you are stressed out and worried,  go to the Lord in prayer.  He will lift your burdens and give you the peace you seek.  If you don't know the Lord,  please consider seeking Him today.  Read His word daily.  It is like a breathtaking love song from His heart.

God bless you all!   

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