Friday, April 13, 2018

Creating Time

     Here is an odd question.  Think about a few people on your life's pathway.  This can be friends or acquaintances.  What are the color of their eyes?  Most of us probably couldn't even answer that question.  What are their aspirations or dreams?

   It is how we perceive time as an individual that really determines how we will cherish it.  Do we think of it as something that we just trudge through in order to get through the day?  Do we perceive it as a precious empty board ready for the beautiful masterpiece that we can create with the gifts God has given us.

  Most of us would probably say the first statement.  But maybe that is where the problem exists.  Every moment of life is a beautiful fragile gift.  So let your heart open its doors to that concept.

  Realize that God has it all in the palms of His hands.  Take a deep breath.  Start to become aware of each awesome thing large and small around you.  Take time to commune with God and thank Him.

  You will probably notice before long that the stress is gone and so are the fear and anxiety.  You feel a lot more relaxed, at peace and happy.  You will begin to notice the beauty in people and be a blessing in their world as well.

God bless you all.

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