Monday, April 30, 2018

     Have you ever tried to climb one of those long extension ladders to get to a certain point?  When you look at the task, it may seem impossible.  Yet, you have a desired goal that needs to be accomplished.  But, each step seems so much larger than the last.

  This is how it may seem in the journey called life.  You may have desired tasks and aspirations that fill your heart.  Yet, the steps and factors along the way seem to make it all a lost cause.

  Perhaps you've heard the terms 'not cut out for that' or 'can't do that'.  You have been discouraged by everything around you and have given up.

  Remember one thing each day.  Dreams are like beautiful balloons.  Hot air can make them soar higher.  What does this mean?  Take time to use negative things in a positive way.  Let them encourage you to work harder to reach your desired goal.

  The Lord is your awesome Pilot.  How can you ever go wrong?  He has great plans for your life and for you.  So when you get on the bottom step of that ladder, look up with confidence.  Your Father is right there giving you strength and encouraging you each step of the way.

  If you don't know the Lord, please consider making Him Lord of your life today.  Pray this prayer:  Father come in to my heart and life.  I give all that I am to you.  I will live for you and serve you.  You are my Father, my best friend my everything.  Pilot my life today.  Amen.

God bless you all!


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