Saturday, April 28, 2018

Beautiful Hope

     Have you ever had the experience of dropping something that is made of glass to the floor?  Suddenly this whole and complete item is scattered everywhere in a million pieces.  We try hard to gather it all in some direction again.  But it can be challenging.

  The pathway of life in its complex nature can seem much the same way.  There can be many different pieces in many directions, and no definitive plan of promise.  We try desperately in our own imperfect nature to devise a successful plan.

  However, remember that the imperfection is there.  Whatever we set out to accomplish on our own strength will never produce true prosperity and peace.  Have you ever gotten into an airplane with no one at the helm?

  You would never try to do that.  So what do you do when you are looking for that direction and guidance?  Where can you turn for success in gathering the pieces of life and connecting them into a great plan?

  The answer is Jesus Christ.  Do you know Him as Lord of your life?  If you don't it is very easy to start.  He will come in and take those pieces and interweave them into something so breathtaking.  It will be a beautiful pathway of promise and hope.

  Simply pray this prayer:

  Lord Jesus, it is the desire of my heart to dedicate all that I am to you.  I want to live for you, serve you and love you.  Please come into my heart and life and take control.  Mend all of the pieces into something wonderful that can only come from you.  I give you my love.


  If you prayed that prayer you are on the pathway of hope.  The Lord will come in and illuminate the way with the light of his love.  He has a great plan for you and will give you direction and purpose, as well as peace.

  God bless you all!


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