Tuesday, March 31, 2020
Thoughts and Wonders
Saturday, March 28, 2020
Have you ever seen anything to the extent of what's going on in our world today? You go into a grocery store and shelves are bare.
You have trouble getting basic necessities. People are fighting and attacking each other over menial things.
People are sick and dying. You try to grasp for something good but there seems to be none. So most of us can say we've never seen anything like this.
But what do you do? First of all you rest your hope in the right source. This is not the media.
Remember you want to place your feet on a firm foundation. The Lord is the Creator and Master of the universe.
When we place our hope and trust in Him through prayer, great things can be accomplished. He loves us so much. He will take care of us and provide for us.
We may not fully understand. But he can move mountains and turn bad things into good. Faith is a powerful 🔑 key.
Remember, in a dark, lost and dying world we can let His love shine even brighter. If you see someone who can't get groceries why not share yours with them?
Do not worry. Draw closer to the Lord. He has you in His hands! Let's pray for everyone. God bless you all.
Lord, bless my precious friends every day
Please watch over them from Heaven above
Let them know your presence in a great way
Be their source of strength with your awesome love.
Let them know that you're always there so true
You are all that they need from start to end
There's nothing in the world that you can't do
You are a devoted and trusting friend.
May they feel a special comforting grace
and see the unfolding of your great hands
Let them feel you're with them in all they face
You have everything at your sweet command.
Lord you're the Provider of everything
They need to come to you in silent prayer
All of their cares and worries they must bring
Father it will all then be yours to bear.
Father you will make a new, special way
You are their brilliant light forever more
You will lead them to a much greater day
There are so many mighty things in store!
Thursday, March 26, 2020
Sunday, March 22, 2020
A warm, caring heart reaches out a hand with delight,
Another refuses the beautiful act of kindness
Through patience and understanding there is persistence with might
Even though others can only see a difference
This is a trying time when love is needed so true,
Brotherhood must be the governing rule for all to see
Put aside opinions and help each other get through
Giving each other help and hope so positively.
We'll be the mirror of God's love each hour of the day
Helping each other in any way we possibly can
He will be our strength and provision in every way
Please to see the prospering of Brotherhood's plan.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
The Sand Castle
Have you ever gone to the beach on a beautiful afternoon? The question is who hasn't? Right? You and maybe your friend or family decide to build your own master piece in the sand, a sand castle.
You work hard with your pails and shovels. You carefully perfect every single part. Suddenly the water comes in high.
It washes over everything. You're beautiful masterpiece is crumbling. Let's look at this dark society that we live in in the same fashion.
You have your own comfortable life. Suddenly things have changed so dramatically in such a short time. Fear is moving quickly.
So what do you do? Do you give up on your sand castle? No you do not. You walk to dryer ground and begin your quest again. You will find a stronger foundation.
Remember the beautiful light that is always with you. I am talking about the love and presence of the Lord.
When you make Him Lord of your life He will be with you and take care of you. Don't look at the situation! Look to Him!
He will protect you. I watched people fighting over supplies due to the world crisis. Really? It is during these times we need to help each other.
So get ready to build your masterpiece again. Crank up your faith and trust. We are children of the King.
Wednesday, March 18, 2020
A Greater Understanding
Sunday, March 15, 2020
A Self Painting
Geneva stepped up to the mirror hanging on her door, and sighed. She saw nothing good about herself. She was fat, ugly, stupid, short and her hair was all wrong. Those were just the beginning of her complaints.
Other people were right in her estimation. She wasn't worth associating with. This insecurity has been plaguing her all of her life.
One day some new neighbors moved in on her block. Geneva watched with interest from her window. One of the daughters was about her age.
But when she got out she was different. She had only one leg and walked with a cane. Yet she was smiling and helped out like everyone else.
The girl turned and saw her at the window. She waved to her. Geneva quickly went back to her homework.
The next day in school Geneva stopped at her locker. She could hear someone coming near her. "Hello and good morning" a cheery voice said. She turned to see the girl standing there.
"My name is Wendy. I saw you yesterday." Just then a group of girls passed by making fun of Geneva. She was almost in tears. Wendy defended her.
As the girls walked away she asked Geneva a question. "Why do you let them bother you?" "Wouldn't it bother you?" She responded.
"The moment you let them bother you they win." Wendy said. "Don't let others define you. You're a beautiful girl."
Geneva was amazed by the girl's strength. "Where do you get such an amazing outlook?" She asked. Wendy looked at her and smiled brightly. "My Heavenly Father." She said.
Throughout the next several weeks the two girls became the best of friends. Wendy gave Geneva a Bible and helped her see herself through God's love.
She lost a few pounds and smiled more when she saw her reflection. Things began to grow brighter and brighter.
When she passed those girls in school this time it was she who spoke. "Here's something really juicy to read." She said smiling. The two friends laughed as they walked away.
Genevas Mom asked her what fueled the great change in her daughter. "My two new friends." She said.
She was so amazed at how wonderfully God works. This was especially the case when she saw one of the girls reading the Bible at lunch time.
What an awesome God.
Saturday, March 14, 2020
The Unknown
Wednesday, March 11, 2020
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
Broken Spirit
Sunday, March 8, 2020
A Restoration Prayer
Precious Father
My heart yearns to be the light that you envision me to be,
A beautiful reflection of your presence, wholesome and true
Please instill the greatest parts of you so perfectly in me
I want to be your joy in which you are pleased my whole life through.
Take every broken piece of my sincere yet imperfect heart,
And begin the healing process, restoring by your sweet hand
Making a truly great masterpiece with each and every part
Planting seeds of promise and hope by your powerful command.
Help my spirit to feel your presence moving so mightily,
Connecting every part of who I am with your great power
Giving me peace and assurance no matter where I may be
Lord be my guiding force and strength for every passing hour.
Help me to be your servant in which you take such delight,
I want to be your instrument for the mission by your word
Help me to always walk in your presence by your might
Your wisdom is the greatest thing that my heart has ever heard.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Thought For The Day
The best things in life are the ones that make your heart feel complete, keep your spirit lifted higher and show you light for the purpose.
They encourage you to take one more 👣 footstep and never quit. They inspire your mind to envision the true beauty in everything.
They show you that true happiness, joy and peace come from within. The best things in life are the ones that have no price tags. Yet they cost more than you can imagine.
The best things in life are the love of the Lord, and the beautiful blessings that come from His heart. Do you have a relationship with Him?
Do you have family and friends who love you and all of the things that make you 😃 smile?
Give thanks! You are truly blessed!
New Pathways
Misty held the letter firmly in her hand, clutching it so tightly her fingers turned red. She shook her head and focused on just one word..goodbye.
But there was no reason or explanation. Her boyfriend of four years mailed her a goodbye letter. Her heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces.
Misty went to school feeling miserable. She stared into her locker trying to fight away the tears. Suddenly she heard someone behind her.
She turned around to see a young girl smiling brightly. 'Hello, my name is Candy'. She said. 'This is my first day. I'm your new locker mate.'
Misty wiped her eyes. She tried to smile and welcomed Candy. The two girls bonded immediately and became instant friends.
They had some of the same classes and had a lot in common. One day, Candy invited Misty to a young people's party at her church.
Misty didn't know what to do. She knew her parents were not religious. But they said she could go. She really did not know what to think.
But she decided to try.
Everyone was so friendly and welcoming to her. Misty began to relax and enjoy herself. She started to go to the meetings every week.
The next meeting she met a young man named Braden. Braden was one of the leaders in the group. He had been wanting to introduce himself.
He invited her for ice cream that night and then took her home. The two began dating. Misty gave her heart to the Lord.
She invited her parents to church. She was delighted when they said yes. She could feel a peace in her heart and a happiness that hadn't been there in a long time.
She had found it all through God's love and a caring friend.
You see the joy that fills my gentle heart,
and you are there to share in my delight
You enrich every moment from the start
and are my beautiful, eternal light.
You see the tears that sometime fall so true
and you are there to bring comfort to me
Your presence brings me hope in all I do
In you I find my great tranquility.
You are the essence of every new day
Every minute is filled in your great hands
I'll put my faith in you in every way
and follow your word and your great commands.
Help me to see things through your holy sight
and to listen and seek you with my love
For I can't do anything by my might
It all comes from your mighty heart above.
Let me be a beautiful light for you
and always keep my sight on your great plan
that I stay by your side my whole life through
and never worry about life's demands.
Lord, bless me and all of my friends out there
Help each one of their heart's to truly see
that they need not worry in your care
For you will be their guide so perfectly.
God bless all of my friends out there
Friday, March 6, 2020
The Fear Factor
Sunday, March 1, 2020
The Sonrise
When you feel like giving up and not trying any more,
It seems like no matter what you do it all feels so wrong
There is powerful pain and brokenness at your hearts core
No matter where you go there is no place where you belong.
But just at the moment when the clouds come in at its best
Something so magnificent slowly begins to take place
A rainbow filled with hope and promise brings such happiness
The light and the love of God begins to fill each small space.
Suddenly a warmth comes in and takes away the clouds there
A brilliant horizon begins to show itself so true
Proving that the Heavenly Father will heal with great care
He will make a way and provide in everything you do.
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