Geneva stepped up to the mirror hanging on her door, and sighed. She saw nothing good about herself. She was fat, ugly, stupid, short and her hair was all wrong. Those were just the beginning of her complaints.
Other people were right in her estimation. She wasn't worth associating with. This insecurity has been plaguing her all of her life.
One day some new neighbors moved in on her block. Geneva watched with interest from her window. One of the daughters was about her age.
But when she got out she was different. She had only one leg and walked with a cane. Yet she was smiling and helped out like everyone else.
The girl turned and saw her at the window. She waved to her. Geneva quickly went back to her homework.
The next day in school Geneva stopped at her locker. She could hear someone coming near her. "Hello and good morning" a cheery voice said. She turned to see the girl standing there.
"My name is Wendy. I saw you yesterday." Just then a group of girls passed by making fun of Geneva. She was almost in tears. Wendy defended her.
As the girls walked away she asked Geneva a question. "Why do you let them bother you?" "Wouldn't it bother you?" She responded.
"The moment you let them bother you they win." Wendy said. "Don't let others define you. You're a beautiful girl."
Geneva was amazed by the girl's strength. "Where do you get such an amazing outlook?" She asked. Wendy looked at her and smiled brightly. "My Heavenly Father." She said.
Throughout the next several weeks the two girls became the best of friends. Wendy gave Geneva a Bible and helped her see herself through God's love.
She lost a few pounds and smiled more when she saw her reflection. Things began to grow brighter and brighter.
When she passed those girls in school this time it was she who spoke. "Here's something really juicy to read." She said smiling. The two friends laughed as they walked away.
Genevas Mom asked her what fueled the great change in her daughter. "My two new friends." She said.
She was so amazed at how wonderfully God works. This was especially the case when she saw one of the girls reading the Bible at lunch time.
What an awesome God.
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