Saturday, March 21, 2020

The Sand Castle

  Have you ever gone to the beach on a beautiful afternoon?  The question is who hasn't?  Right?  You and maybe your friend or family decide to build your own master piece in the sand, a sand castle.
  You work hard with your pails and shovels.  You carefully perfect every single part.  Suddenly the water comes in high.
  It washes over everything.  You're beautiful masterpiece is crumbling.  Let's look at this dark society that we live in in the same fashion.
  You have your own comfortable life.  Suddenly things have changed so dramatically in such a short time. Fear is moving quickly.
  So what do you do?  Do you give up on your sand castle?  No you do not.  You walk to dryer ground and begin your quest again. You will find a stronger foundation.
  Remember the beautiful light that is always with you.  I am talking about the love and presence of the Lord.
  When you make Him Lord of your life He will be with you and take care of you.  Don't look at the situation!  Look to Him! 
  He will protect you.  I watched people fighting over supplies due to the world crisis.  Really?  It is during these times we need to help each other.
  So get ready to build your masterpiece again.  Crank up your faith and trust.  We are children of the King.

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