Saturday, March 7, 2020

New Pathways

  Misty held the letter firmly in her hand, clutching it so tightly her fingers turned red.  She shook her head and focused on just one word..goodbye.

  But there was no reason or explanation.  Her boyfriend of four years mailed her a goodbye letter.  Her heart felt like it was shattered into a million pieces.

  Misty went to school feeling miserable.  She stared into her locker trying to fight away the tears.  Suddenly she heard someone behind her.

  She turned around to see a young girl smiling brightly.  'Hello, my name is Candy'. She said.  'This is my first day.  I'm your new locker mate.'

  Misty wiped her eyes.  She tried to smile and welcomed Candy.  The two girls bonded immediately and became instant friends.

  They had some of the same classes and had a lot in common.  One day, Candy invited Misty to a young people's party at her church.

  Misty didn't know what to do.  She knew her parents were not religious.  But they said she could go.  She really did not know what to think.
But she decided to try.

  Everyone was so friendly and welcoming to her.  Misty began to relax and enjoy herself.  She started to go to the meetings every week.

  The next meeting she met a young man named Braden.  Braden was one of the leaders in the group.  He had been wanting to introduce himself.

  He invited her for ice cream that night and then took her home.  The two began dating.  Misty gave her heart to the Lord.

  She invited her parents to church.  She was delighted when they said yes.  She could feel a peace in her heart and a happiness that hadn't been there in a long time.

  She had found it all through God's love and a caring friend.

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